That dude had the funniest goddamn nickname, though:
That dude had the funniest goddamn nickname, though:
Mazepin...I hope he can fuck off faster than he can drive.
“E” will likely go the way of “i” in the near future. Eventually the only things left with an “E” will be all the shit products that get relegated to the automotive equivalent of the checkout lane at CVS.
100% agree. You get to feel what it’s like, it can alleviate some fear of “failure”, and you can practice stall recovery time*.
That sounds like the way I was taught, more or less. Breaks things down into smaller goals, and learn one thing at a time.
I’s Gordon F-ing Murray, so it’s gonna be an amazing drive.
Step 1) Porsche claims sincere interest in F1.
Follow up: I mean...if you’ve never really looked at Citroens, just look at this thing. What the hell is going on with that transmission? One-spoke steering wheel? Pop-up glove box? Pneumatic suspension? This is a 50 year old car. With a few material and tech updates this interior could have come out this year.…