My old College roommate had one of the Rivieras with the touchscreen. Over the course of two semesters he managed to break every single thing in and on that car. I’ve never met anyone more inept or mechanically unsympathetic in my life. Power trunk lid, power windows, windshield wipers, parking brake, power locks,…
I’ve been pointing and loudly laughing at every Cybertruck driver I see, whenever the situation allows. The usual reaction has been a look of confusion followed by a flash of realization and change in posture that looks like it’s probably sheepishness and embarrassment. It works best when there are several witnesses.
This seems like it would be really really niche.
Well, I always prefer a manual when possible, but I’ll put that aside for a moment. Subjectively speaking, I find the lack of shifting kinda disconcerting. When you’re just so used to how cars sound under acceleration then the sound of a CVT is totally incongruous with what the car is actually doing. Additionally,…
Never tried the Infinitis, but I imagine Nissan uses basically the same. (?) And Nissan’s is total garbage. I know there are probably worse than Subaru’s, but their felt pretty laggy, BUT only sometimes. And on cold days it was especially laggy. Really, I guess I just prefer more physical controls for stuff.
I had a ‘24 Wilderness Crosstrek as a lender for 2 weeks, and....I dug it. But that may only be in comparison to my own super-basic ‘13 Crosstrek that was in for a bunch of work. Much quieter interior, smoothER ride, materials look and feel pretty nice. And the roof rails were rated to something insane, like 700 Lbs.…
Missouri up there will the full requirements. I wouldn’t a’ guessed it.
Ran when parked.
For me, this one hits the pipe and falls asleep in a particularly ripe restaurant back alley.
The only black cars I see in Maine are the unmarked Staties.