’s slower, much more expensive, and over 1000lbs heavier...’s slower, much more expensive, and over 1000lbs heavier...
I have bad news about the relative energy density of batteries vis-a-vis gasoline... If this thing was a full-EV, it would be gaining 1500-2000 lbs.
Having taken my son to a number of Monster Truck shows now, there is an ENORMOUS range in forum, skill, and overall quality. The highest quality shows are super well done and are choreographed to near perfection. The lowest quality are enjoyable in a very different way.
So I read his quote and I’m missing the part where he says “they don’t understand how to build F1 cars” even though your title clearly states that’s precisely what he said.
Um, bridges are within the purview of the government, even in Florida, aren’t they? It’s not like they’re private property, so what’s the problem with the head of the state government making a rule about how a government-run bridge should be lit? Believe me, I’m no fan of DeSantis, but you’re just reaching here.
An actual adult way of thinking? What are you even doing here?
Whom did he put in “danger of very serious injury”? The cop jumped on his car; the car didn’t jump on the cop.
Because they are trained to be dramatic little scared bitches?
does two laps, has to recharge for 8 hours.
So because youre too stupid to buy quality good they should be tariffed and support the quality USA made garbage that is equally as bad because patriotism?
Stop buying shit knockoffs and garbage products? I buy a bunch of electronics and motors and etc off of aliexpress for way cheaper than OEM prices here and have nothing but good products...
krhodes1, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God…
Cops are the most fragile motherfuckers on the planet. And most of them are more overweight than most Americans too. They can all move their fat asses.
Hectobillionaire. A centibillionaire would be worth 1/100th of a billion.
At least they got a letter.
Wonser and his lawyer are playing the whataboutism card essentially saying the Bureau picks and chooses what plates it what’s to approve. His suit points to examples of vanity plate phrase approvals like “FDT” and “FU TRMP.”
I honestly can’t tell if this is satire.
While I loathe Trump with every fiber of our being, I’d be curious if all of this backlash would exist if Biden went to the race. Trump somehow managed to avoid saying anything overtly political about his election bid. He’s just... a person. A shitty, orange, liar of a person. But surely he should be allowed to exist…
While I do not condone sexist or derogatory comments I also try to appreciate the difficulty commentators must have navigating in this “me too” world.