PJ Prince

He is right. You work remotly in a job where you have to work. But it is not the case here, so a good way to get rid of redundant people.

Once again for those in the back: It. Is. Not. About. The. Averages.

Quite clever tbh.

1st gear... LOL, this is wishful thinking of some miserable libs. I am not a fan of Elon by a long shot, but this is just not happening here in Europe. Some people are screaming because of his opinions, other people who would not buy Teslas anyways are saying they won’t because of him, but otherwise... I see no

1st: Laughable, I bet we will see Scaringe at some bankruptcy hearing sooner than that electric future comes. He may well be right, but we are hearing this phrase for century. And nothing has to change in another century...

What a BS. C’mon.

Don’t worry, we still have socialistic EU with all this BS to Make Tesla Great Again - https://jalopnik.com/tesla-to-rake-in-1-billion-from-rivals-through-eu-flee-1851735557

Yeah, he was really bad, a short-sighted socialist living mostly/only out of Nixon/Johnson faliure. No wonder he was not reelected and although I get the “you should never say bad things about the dead” motive, there is really not much to celebrate if you don’t want to see the glass half full.

What a stupid take. He has apparently no problem withe the charging infrastructure itself, he does not want to stop it to evolve, I even don’t see him dislike it. He just does not want to pay it by money from people who do not use it. Is it so hard to get this?

“The future is electric!”

Situation about the McKinsey study is more complicated, but 1 % globally is total BS. Maybe in Norway, where you generally have no suitable way to go back, but definitely not in EU. Here it is in like higher tens %, it differs by usage etc. It is even almost half among Netherlands drivers of company cars https://www.vz

I am watching F1 for 40 year now so I would pick just out of these. And I will go for three:

When you are made to think someone is an asshole by an author who is actually an asshole.

Probably each and everyone of them.

“Mr. Trump, Tear Down These Subsidies!” Yesterday was already too late.

Wow, this is wokeness at its finest.

It would be funny if an actual bear joined the show ;)

I did, multiple times. Still don’t get ti.

Cool pick.

What a statement it was. One of the very best performances I have ever seen and I have been watching F1 for almost 40 years. Donnington 1993 had one lap, this was thrilling from the start to the very end. Something like Schumacher did in 1996 in Spain - by far not the best car, but drive made a brutal difference. Luck