
You’re not depressing-deerlady! You're constantly awesome!

I am so glad I am not the only one to describe people as dumpster fires.

I also hate that woman! My biggest fear too is that no one will like me anymore if I’m depressed and not “fun”. She’s a dumpster garbage fire spewing hot smelly garbage and we just have to step to the side so none of that garbage hits us just like we would if actually passing an exploding pile of diarrhea filled

Did he say “badass” while his daughter is being “red solo cup-ped” in her college apps? I love him. I love the Obamas. I love everything about this (except for Hope Solo, to be clear). “I’ve inspired millions of boys to look at girls differently” is awesome. But there is so much more work to be done. HERMIONE GRANGER

They were so, so close to not fucking this up, and then I got to the second to last paragraph.

How many times do we have to tell you that LSD and the internet don’t mix? Just go listen to Pink Floyd at the planetarium like normal people, jeez.

Well said, and I couldn’t agree more. Tarantino has a made a career making derivative - and schlocky - films, particularly his so-called Valentines to the “Blaxploitation” films of the 1970s, but without the heart and wit of the originals. Conveniently, according to him, you can’t accuse him of being racist because

Two reasons: 1) they’re growing up at a time when textspeak is an accepted form of communication; and 2) the education system is deplorable and they’re being given the idea by their teachers that “spelling doesn’t matter.” It’s one of the many reasons why my former career as a junior high English teacher nearly turned

Her outfit reminds of a toy I had as a kid.

Seriously, and it isn’t like they’re taking up seats that could otherwise go to someone who really loves baseball...there’s pleeeeeenty of empty seats.

They were participating in a promotion that involved taking selfies put on by the stadium. It had just been announced right before this clip.

These ladies are class acts. And I think it is so bad ass how they subtlety and productively proved everyone wrong. (Including myself)

Holy fuck. Like what idiot hasn’t seen enough movies to know it’s pantyhose, not maxi-pads?

what do you call a teacher that won’t fart in public?

My life makes so much sense. I’m sleep depriving myself now so I can get into a good college and graduate quickly so I can get a good job that sleep deprives me so that I will have enough money to retire so I can sleep as much as I want. But by that point I’ll either be dead because lack of sleep killed me or I won’t

Now playing

We all saw the Drunk History about Harriet Tubman’s history as a Union spy starring Octavia Spencer, right? I did not know this information and it is so cool...

I think the argument would be that she’s contrasting two fairy tale glamorous things she’s supposedly doing with the fact that what she’s actually doing right now is her job. Where I’m seeing possible shade now that A citizen pointed at it is that she probably would have just said “playing a show” if that show

My deeply held belief that nonconsensual groping is Not Okay is currently coexisting, uncomfortably, with my also deeply held grudge against Katy Perry for that fake-ass, appropriative-of-queer-culture, bisexual-but-not-really-cuz-it’s-only-for-the-straight-male-gaze “I Kissed a Girl” song.