I’m sorry for your loss.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Rick Moranis isn’t in it, but after his wife passed away, he retired from acting (at the height of his career no less) to become a stay-at-home dad so his kids could always come home to a parent after school. Which is so awesome that I can’t be mad at him for not doing any more movies with his comedic talent.
1) Why wouldn’t she start talking about a maternity leave?
If only there were such things as 'misogyny detector tests', and people were required to pass them before entering any job that put them in any type of position of power. Racism and homophobia tests too.
Actually, it’s “Welcome to Atlantic City. Well, not really.”
I think the rest of America would appreciate it if New Jersey would instead enforce that standard on its governors.
I think he had an intent.
Thank you for being a friend.
But I feel like he’s a really considerate abductor, ya know? Only wanting $8,500, returning her after 2 days, stating that police should apologize. Probably 3/4 Canadian.
Don’t you get that we only hold mistkes against the brown people?! Cops get the get-out-of-jail-free passes DUH, that’s why they’re cops.
0.587 percent? Jeebus. That’s insane. Embarrassing story time. I got a DUI when I was 19, and my BAC was .252. I totaled my car because I passed out at the wheel and/or blacked out so hard that I hardly remember veering off the road. And by then, I was already drinking regularly for 3 years or so, so I knew I was…
bc you probbaly are a normal and kind person who doesn’t place friends on some friendship hierarchy based on how much money they spend on you.
Right? I kept a list of what I got from people and when I wrote the thank you notes, but I never once thought about “comparing” the lists of who sent presents to who was invited. I haven’t a damn clue if people didn’t get us stuff.
I mean, do people actually have TIME to figure out who didn’t give them a gift? And fret about it?
I was in my best friend since kindergarten’s wedding last year. She knew I had financial problems and instead of an expensive gift, she asked me to paint her a fingerprint tree for her guest book. I was so relieved to be able to spent so little and give her something I knew she would treasure forever instead. Her…
It’s Glastonbury. Imagine a Woodstock/Burning Man/Coachella that never ended. The circle drumming witch and her “lodgers” are probably cool and mellow; the victim probably went on a bad trip in 1991 and never came back. What any of these people do for money is a question only God Himself and the Inland Revenue can…