
The documentary about Ruth Greenfield, “Instruments of Change”, showed me the roots of a Miami renaissance and progressive growth.. worth looking up. She set a place for love and accomplishment for hundreds of kids, as well as working with music and local universities to support the rebirth of downtown.

Breast cancer covers a large area around the breast. It is incurable, though treatable, once it metastasizes. Having a mammogram by 39 or 40 would have saved me. I’m not looking at a pleasant life. The medication for the brain tumors had side effects that mean I lost my job. The seizures mean I can’t legally drive. I

I’m still protesting your refusal to include filipinos as part of the latin world. How firm a nd tidy are your borders. How simple is your world.

Sure, don’t take advice....metastasized breast cancer destroying my brain at 40. Was told to skip the exam, low risk factor. Plus coffee and knit hats from loving supporters at the radiological center...

let’s tell Rihanna to look pretty and shut up. We don’t pay you to think, cutie!

I love you back and understand you.... And yes, the conversation continues, thanks to peeps like you. (you wrote this awhile ago, I know)