
What blows my mind is Hertz just went whole hog into evs without trying them out in test markets for a couple years.

“most rental car companies don’t make you recharge”

When cars go out of warranty, with the exception of recalls, manufacturers couldn’t give a furry rat’s ass about you, and they treat dealerships like red headed stepchildren.  I truly don’t see their end game here.

Here’s how to fix the security issue. Take the car OFFLINE. If you need an online maps system, it should work through your phone and it gets a separate airgapped system with no connection to the important bits.

will introduce potential security risks to our customers”

I think small cars should go “Battle Bots” style and just be wedge shaped, so if a bigass truck/suv/landyacht hit it, they just gets launched off and flips over instead.

Your friends ain’t lying to you. All of these are good practices to follow when driving on wet roads.

There aren't $20k cars anymore but are there a lot of cars for around $25k those $700 a month payments are a choice, no one ain't forcing anyone to spend that much on a vehicle. A base Corolla will get you to work just the same as a $100k Ford raptor. 

Oh look, they’re still missing the point.

I live in Toronto, Canada and have a bunch of weird stuff. It is not the winter that gets us-the winter is actually a great excuse to buy Sh*tboxes. Its the traffic. My commute is 35 miles round trip. That equates to about 2 hours in the car... Traffic isn’t great on the older girls. That being said the oldest in my

Basically what we already knew - they were talking out their ass for the value of the product and that people want more granular options.  Did anyone think these were actually worth what they were asking?  I mean, they obviously sold some, but man...

Modern Wranglers are about uncivilized as camping with a 4K projector and screen to watch movies stored on a hard drive.

We buy the Wrangler BECAUSE it’s uncivilized. 

TLDR: We dealers are paying A LOT MORE money for poorly engineered vehicles that we make A LOT LESS money on. They got rid of cars our customers want and are charging way too much for cars our customers dont want, and it’s the dealers problem to retain these now pissed-off customers.

The fact that Arctic Cat did the same thing at the same time is going to be a business school case study.  

Did American consumers abandon sedans/smaller cars, or did American manufacturers do that?  

Some of us just want small cars. I always have. I always will. 

Now how about a manual behind the 392?  And if we are really going at it, where is the 392 gladiator?  

Ok now give us a 2 door gladiator.

My buddy in college drove a chevy truck from the late 70's or early 80's. Not in a cool way- in a “your grandfathers truck with 350,000 miles has been sitting in our back yard since he died and it’s what you’ll take to college, and the family of rats under the seat are gratis” way.

Anyways, we all came back from summer