Implementing the RAM sub-brand. Most folks still call ‘em Dodge Ram trucks.
Infiniti was on a downward spiral and Cadillac was struggling anyway but, Anything the infamous Johan de Nysschen touched-
Re New Car Prices: I think we are making a lot of apples to oranges comparisons.
The first fun car I ever owned was a brand new bright red 1998 Isuzu Amigo. I had wanted a jeep but after being absolutely terrified on my test drive when the jeep tried to buck me out of the drivers seat on a bit of normal everyday road, I went with the Amigo, which had the same size but was much better on the road.…
Jalopnik, just report the incident and shut your stupid comments and stupid remarks. And no I am not from Florida I don’t give a damn about Florida. Im in Guam, DA.
First Gen Kia Soul.
I once went to a Nissan dealership during the middle of the day (office was shut down early and everyone was sent home) so it was just about empty.
Basically any new cars. You Corvette fresh off the dealer lot is not special. If we want to see one we can go to the dealership ourselves or just wait to see one rolling down the road. I remember when the HHR and Prowler first came out and some people actually entered them into car shows. It was pretty lame to say the…
I’m probably going to get a lot that won’t agree with me, but I’m just going to throw it out there.
If you think that was “dangerously slow” (a U.S. spec 451 hit 60 in about 11-12 seconds), you’ve never driven a truly slow car. My old Mercedes 240D hit 60 in 23 seconds, and it had the “faster” manual transmission. Now THAT is actually slow.
Or... you could stop being a prick about people’s personal likes.
Good lord, is that lead image a car or a 14 year old wannabe youtuber’s room?
Ragebait will definitely get you clicks, but well thought of articles can too. I remember Jalopnik used to have some really good interview articles and investigate articles. Can we get back to that? I feel like the only reason I'm still here is the comment section and it's a hot or miss if that is even working.
You are just wrong. ANY extra interior lighting is going to cause your pupils to dilate more than they should and diminish your night vision. This is just science and not up for debate. A car interior should look like this at night, and I’d even say that they have the gauge brightness a bit to high even here.
Build the inexpensive, low-tech car.