
May I suggest Kailh Box Navy ones for the harsh typist in you? *in full sommelier attire, holding a silver plate with switches*

is one it calls the Ford Integrated Tether System. A cute acronym

Missed opportunity for the Ford Active Replaceable Tether System.

or a little flag?

The Key Lime plane got hit by the orange plane. Smoothie.

Ignorance or joking, could not tell

Thank you for not making a slideshow out of this. Solid article too.

Would love for a bunch of pissed off Ents to march to his front door.

Yeah, I use rechargeable AA/AAAs, and I hate being forced to throw away a perfectly good Li-Ion battery every time a gadget like this breaks.

Raising the gas tax now would be like raising the horse feed tax in 1910.

Raising it at this point is kinda pointless, no? All the rich will be in EVs in the next decade, meaning the only people still paying “gas” tax are poor people, making the tax even more regressive than usual. If “tax the rich” is what you’re after, this ain’t it chief.

just a the tip.

Part of the problem I think is the ridiculous tech they feel like they need to put in an EV here. Get rid of the giant screens and haptic touch buttons everywhere. Just give it a single small display in front of the driver and normal controls everywhere else.

Ye Olde Tube


Alaska is also working on legislation to allow nude sunbathing, and Florida just extended their moose hunting season.

My heart skipped a beat this morning when "Nice Price" was gone from the Jalop header, no good can come of this.

Only the bottom half.

I for one am proud that US can produce our own variants. Now we do not have to depend on imported UK and ZA variants to achieve herd immunity. America First! MAGA!