
Here in VA there’s a 7-11 knock off store called 5-12 lol

And mfrs have also generally learned you need *new* models more than every....well we’re still counting with Tesla.

Imagine saying a 2 ton vehicle potentially killing a pedestrian is similar to chat grammar?

We definitely don’t travel enough to even bother.   The only ‘miles’ perk that ever interested me was a Citibank program that had no blackout dates.    Money I’m expecting to spend, but time you can’t really control.   Hence the only perk that matters to me ;-)

Pricing parity is ‘firing marketing execs’ years away. Sell EV Honda Civic, Ford Focus etc for $30k and print future money with repeat customers. You know, how every car maker builds it’s repeat buyers?

Now playing

I’d probably just get out and remove it, why pull over when you’re already stopped? Something Waymo is utterly unable to do though.

Given the car in the header image. Imagine minor fender bender in the *middle of nowhere*. Can the car even drive itself now that the cameras are just out of alignment enough? or are you literally stuck there until a repair crew/tow truck shows?

It’s a weird article ;-)  Given ‘used’ cars the comparison of a 3 yr old Lincoln off lease to a 10 yr old Kia a first owner sold might skew these numbers a bit me thinks.

Question: Aren’t *radios* supposed to be replaceable? i.e. DIN/ Dbl DIN were created so we’d have a standard 3rd party market no?

I won’t say there isn’t a point to a good chunk of the tech. But it’s not mature enough to be mass deployed. And when cars are *already* getting too expensive, it’s just stupid to add more ‘new unproven’ stuff on top of it.

yeah, sadly, if we’d massively pushed PHEVs 20 years ago, people would understand that 60-100 range is *plenty* for normal day to day activities.

Maybe, just maybe, don’t reinvent the *entire* car concept and just put in an EV power train into existing proven vehicles like the Focus....oh wait.

yeah, the accounting dept looking at empty spaces is another huge factor. I think that in 15/20 years when the current 20 somethings start signing checks for ofc space we’ll see some change.

Yeah, the big issue is that we built the CITIES based on a captive work population. I was in IT and did the consulting on-site bs for many many years until the pandemic. When they pushed return, I quit and found a full time remote place and it was sooooo nice.   it was sorta funny and sad as the client we worked with

Sorry, self driving is *not* ready for the real world. it *can* handle SoCal perfect conditions...sometimes. well documented cases of people videoing a literal orange cone befuddling Waymos such that a physical driver has to be dispatched to get it around things. There are reports that waymo has drivers who literally

SpaceX who utterly failed on their first 3 launches only to succeed on the fourth...is not perhaps the best testament to ‘quality’


Literally 14 cars and a parking lot. You can’t simulate that in a test?

Coming back? It’s a toll road. You get on, you get off.

Airport gas stations are well known for being jacked.   rental drivers have to fill up before returning so they charge enough to make it *just* cheaper than the rental fill up fee.