
Or... they have a relatively wealthy government that actually has an interest in helping the population and improving their quality of life. I suppose that does feel like a foreign concept these days...

I will agree to this WFH tax only if it goes directly to an IRS Billionaire and Millionaire investigation division.

An artist’s rendering of Apophis ceasing acceleration just before entering orbit:

These things go through four distinct phases.


Plus, this actually doubles as “security through obsolescence”since some script kiddie probably isn’t going to have floppy drive or ever even expect to encounter one.

Yup. Any form of clean energy is going to have trouble competing with dirty energy unless regulation is introduced (and enforced) to consider emissions as part of the cost of generation. At some point, we have to collectively acknowledge that things have to cost more if you want them to be better.

Yeah, with all the weirdness going on I’m pretty sure I’m gonna drop off my absentee ballot (CA, if it matters) at an IRL ballot box this year.

Well, there is your problem.

There are likely hundreds, maybe thousands, of instances. The masks aren’t about protecting the wearer.  They’re about the wearer keeping their goobers to themselves. 


Ran when barked.

Dude, we only have, like, 7.5 billion years before the sun dies. That’s just not enough time to get solar power up and running...

PIA for the win...

PIA for the win...

Yes, it was a joke. It’s from the movie Contact. Calm down. There was supposed to be a picture of Drumlin with it but goddamn Kinja.

So is he now the flattest flat Earther?

Kudos to the taxidermist who ensured this hand job had a happy ending.

How does our inching closer and closer to Kessler syndrome help the astronomers of the future?

So you’re saying football, like all organized religion, should be wiped off from the face of the planet to make the world a better place?

Chernobyl Season 2: Nuclear Boogaloo