
How do you use the vanilla?

In Russia, bus doesn't miss you.

The owners were fighting about whether or not to keep it until one of them said, “Can’t we all just get a lawn?”

Well, if it does...

Science rocks.

I’m not gonna argue with you.... just retreat slowly and up your med dosage....

I don’t have to imagine, I’ve had sex.

The Constitution is currently unavailable due to a DDoS attack.

The correct answer of course is that every Tom Baker season of Doctor Who is better than any other season of Doctor Who.

my man married his (second) cousin so I’m guessing it rhymes with “spin fest”

Clearly, if we’re counting on President Trump to lead by example on best security practices, we’re all screwed.

Mine’s just temporary.

This might be the most impressive hidden ball trick since Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs.

I guess I needed to put the *sarcasm* tag....

Wood for Sheep?

Don’t know why there’s much mystery about whether a kid like that to get ejected. Seems like a pretty black and white situation.

You have to love the EU’s style!