
I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to my father, Marine Corp Colonel Samuel Tillett for his courageous and near fatal actions, attempting to save as many lives as possible 15 years ago today in his position as head of security at The Pentagon. When the plane hit my father was not but a hundred feet from the

The Boy Scouts have been teaching this technique for at least 35 year.

Flashbacks from Boy Scouts Swimming Merit Badge right here.

Jesus fuck. This is the longest SNL cold open ever.

I actually don’t blame him for this position.

1. Take the oil

was just going to summarize as “make money?”

Donald Trump’s new advisor on climate change held a conference in Philadelphia this morning:

Conversely, the Eve Appeal survey found that 70 per cent of women could correctly identify the foreskin, penis and testes, because the patriarchy.

What’s not to like?

I love that within one sentence he says there are people coming from Syria...we have no idea where they are coming from!!!!

Yup, tabs are what they are. With spaces, you have people doing different numbers of spaces and crazy shit like that. Plus, spaces make it harder to edit when you need to backspace four or five times as much.

I thought they solved the problem of people watching Top Gear illegally by firing Clarkson and hiring Chris Evans.


When I got my first car, my own mam vandalised it with those decals, by making it look like I was a married lesbian with 7 cats named after the dwarves from snow white

I’m concerned about this setting an extremely dangerous precedent. If these allegations continue, people might begin to think that Time Warner’s internet service ACTUALLY WORKS when police are not actively blocking it...

Sorry, Gizmodo. You already said that it was a sign of the apocalypse. You can’t walk that shit back now.

Bullfuckingshit. Hillary won’t do a damn thing against gun ownership except (perhaps) take some of the nastier shit off the table. And maybe prevent households from having more guns than there are hands to hold them. Personally, I’d rather gun ownership be tied to regular training and proficiency tests with each

The fate of trillions of beings depends on whether they purchased the Standard or Professional edition of Microsoft Project.