
I find it’s very amusing that you put this comment on an article written by the ONE Lancer owner on staff who knows that Mitsubishi’s been doing some pretty neat things in racing for a while, albeit while pulling nearly all of their cool things from the customer market and making us sad, and also pulling nearly all of

It’s something we grapple with too, and we’re happy to have a conversation about it. Obviously, we’d prefer to only post deals to products with thousands of real reviews, or ones we’ve used ourselves. But should we automatically throw out good deals on promising new products from reputable companies, just because they

It’s something we grapple with too, and we’re happy to have a conversation about it. Obviously, we’d prefer to only

Patrick – serious, non-snarky question: are these cycling posts getting good enough traction to mean that they’ll continue?

What is this fucking bullshit!?!? There’s absolutely zero evidence that man is influencing Earth’s climate.

You need to stick them in the DVD drive, silly.

S0 just like every other World Cup?

Tempted to write a script that continously emails him Ali quotes.

Video encoding hasn’t been single threaded in a long time.

I smell a new Crysis. :-P

The point isn’t to succeed, it’s to fail and say “We tried to protect the children but the evil liberals are so determined to kill them all, oh if only we had more money and could keep being reelected.”

His official bio on the OK legislature website explains a lot.

You’re reading way less cynically in to this than me. You hear “save taxpayer dollars.” I hear “try again and do better this time so it maybe CAN withstand a legal challenge.”

It’s blatantly obvious sarcasm.

I’m not sure what people are concerned about. When has adding a bunch of stuff to the environment ever hurt anything?

But the guillotine was intended as a humane alternative to the headsman’s axe. If we really want to get medieval on people, we should return to that hit-or-miss method.

Now playing

Don’t be ignorant. Once the emergency braking system is actuated there is absolutely nothing that the engineer can do to stop the train any faster.

That’s why I’d always wear an adult diaper.