
Riiiiight. Not to pander to anti-vax voters.

Great clickbait, Eve.

If one posts negatively, and another responds in kind, both are at a loss and neither the wiser. Knowledge is to be shared, not lorded over others as a status symbol.

I’m impressed that neither one of us got shitty about it. I’m concerned I may no longer be on the internet.

Yeah, they’ll be able to use it to change concentrations as well for whatever they put downstream.


It doesn’t exist.

Oh the Family Research Council doesn’t like him? I’m in.

Yeah those people be denied the ability to live off the state as a vegetable...the point is it is FAR cheaper to enfoce seatbelt usage than pay for the absolutely inevitable severe traumatic injuries.

The SUVs and trucks will hit between 50 to 52.6 mph average fuel economy, the government estimates.

“People who know me well know I’m a pretty basic guy. I’m a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.”

If you came away from the movie thinking it was pro war it’s you that’s fucked up, not the movie.

I miss when informative stuff was on History Channel. Just a thought after watching some of this.

Am I mean if the whole time I was asking myself, “How the hell does he pinch to zoom?”

Get me a spoon.

Worth it. Almonds just taste better when I know that a child is thirsty because of me.


That was such a nom sequitur.

But swimming pools, trampolines, and jungle gyms were designed for a purpose other than killing people. Why is this the first argument always made?? What kind of delusion would compel a person to argue that someone who owns a weapon that is specifically designed to fire an explosive projecticle at a being with the

Replying to myself because I don’t want to take a troll and his ‘toxic masculinity’ (his words) out of the greys: yes, this is really a great moment to make your MRA point. What a sad life you must lead that you want to try and score right now, and on multiple posts no less. Bye sad man!

She’d climb up chutes and slide down ladders.