
But those black interiors, we’re keeping those!

PA’s legendary highway OnStamps  I mean Ramps.    These 4 yard long things are one of the few decent reasons why EVs need 4 bazillion HP.

All Hail His (boiling hot) Noodly Appendage

There is an optional step to invert the plane...which may have already happened if you are running the ‘oh shit’ checklist

this. another fun fact, putting in a 25kw or larger battery in your home tends to require also adding a sprinkler system (codes are ignorant to batt chemistry and risks at this point).

Loved some ijdit who suggested that to make cargo shipping green we should just put SMR nukes on them  lulz

No, it’s expensive and costs a fair bit, that’s why they haven’t built them.

Again, if it’s so involved to build just the EV bits. Why the f are they *also* re-engineering literally everything else at the same time?

Car makers aren’t making cars to sell. They’re making Sci-Fi they want to make.

I’ve heard both sides, they do and that they don’t. How would one determine this?

I vaguely remember some sort of modular system. Where the ‘engine’ could be either the generator or a 2nd battery etc (dunno what car/make/model though).

basic hybrids have used the engine to charge the battery forever. no reason PHEVs wouldn’t as well?

One reason is keeping it ‘topped off’ is terrible for battery health. Not saying that’s the reason, but these batteries are best used when kept between 30-70/80% charge.

Sadly insightful point. As this SCOTUS has obliterated agency abilities to do basically anything that isn’t explicitly written down in statute...we’re going to see a lot more of this.

It wasn’t developed when we bought here. Expressly because it was 1/2 mile of undeveloped woods, now that crap is visible even through summer foliage.

yeah but things can vary *widely*. My older parents sold their house (w/o HOA) for a small group of condos that are basically just marginally attached single family homes. Ideally to have someone else deal with outside stuff. Was supposed to be 50 units but the builder changed plans and rented out 25 of them, so he

Fighting what someone is doing to OUR neighborhood. These things are LOUD 24/7 intrusions inside homes. Forget playing outside without a 55 db drone constantly in your ear.

HOAs aren’t bad, mine’s awesome. Currently defending us against Amazon data center encroachment.

there isn’t much that residents of The Meadows can do

Jalop: Man our slideshows are too long, any ideas for a topic for a short one?