
FEM mode  ‘Flee Elon Musk’

I think your point is it doesn’t apparently take very long to override the brain connections. If the old ones were still in place, they’d be smashing the ‘brake’ pedal in emergency situations, not smashing the one pedal they now use.

tbf if you’re in a Tesla and literally anything bad happens, blame the car has a reasonably decent shot at being the correct answer so might as well just start there.

Yep. Ranked choice is a golden option. The problem being we need to decouple the current two parties from the election system. Without more than 2 choices, ranked choice is still just first past post wins.

So ‘term limits’ are sort of a problem. As in, you have a date when a judge will be looking for a golden parachute.

When there are dozens of stories of Biden’s supposed mental decline based on a literal single bad debate. And basically none about Trump’s exact same and worse behavior.

As we’re seeing of late, judges are *the* battleground. He’s a significant reason Biden’s been able to appoint so many.

Perhaps a story or 20 on Matt Gaetz using his Judge daddy to get out of multiple DUIs?

Octomom is just waiting for her moment to market the 8 seat version

“King (couldn’t keep it in his pants) Cab Edition”

Don’t forget the raging arguments between actual engineers and the Ketamine-rager-in-Chief until he overrode them and commenced the speed run of dev.

Given the dept of most stations, you’re into constant soil temps. Probably not exactly an easy retro fit in the ‘space’ underneath NYC, but literally just circulating the air through pipes in the surrounding soil/rock would have a pretty cheap and constant cooling effect.

*Hell’s sewage outlet

Sadly no, there were no little girls passing by so the experts didn’t consider that option ;-)

Tell me your the machinist without telling me your the machinist ;-)

sure, control surfaces are basically useless. But the upward airflow would encounter more resistance on the horizontal/flat sections of the tail and wings. There are no such horizontal/flat sections at the nose.

I hope God does.  Soon.  In Person.

That would basically be The Purge.   

Ah, I hadn’t watched the video so didn’t know about the spin.