
Calling it now. Gov’t will ban sale of US cars to China...based on the software.

yeah, they won’t have normal control. Center of gravity is a good point. Basic physics say that if the top or 2nd from the bottom plane is falling straight down, there’s more rear side surface area impacting the upward air flow (underside of wings elevators).

A question for the aero inclined engineers. When a stall happens at altitude, as it transitions to vertical descent - wouldn’t elevators at the rear induce nose down attitude? Not from flow ‘over’ them but from flow coming up from below. Just seems like there would be less aerodynamic shape/more drag in the rear than

This seems like it.   Fscking kinja  (insert image of Christine)

Yeah, double edged sword. *Lots* of construction zones aren’t ‘consistent’ and hey, things move.

Agreed, it’s ‘nice’ to see honesty like that. A few years ago Virginia made some noise by giving them road approval...but specifically wouldn’t allow them to be ‘motorcycles’ for HOV lanes.

And conceptually doubly so here. The ‘boat’ aspect, assuming it actually exists, would similarly hinder traction by having less weight to the ground.

this is my thought. Another thing is car batteries are *massively* oversized for home use. So you’d put even less ‘wear’ on it than it was intended for, hopefully lasting even longer.

They / Their

A significant question is chemistry.   The LiFePo type (used in about 1/2 of Tesla’s now I think)  is significantly less prone to fires than the LI type current in wide scale use.

FAFU - Fsck Around and Fall UP

And now I’m seeing software style End Of Life  totaling of cars.  Seriously, what happens when something is catastrophically bad and the maker is kaput?

I fully expect some of these to end up as ‘home batteries’.   multi-times the size needed for a house...and because it’s a *car* it doesn’t require the safety systems installing a 60kwh battery would (sprinklers tend to be required pushing in to upper 20s).   But a 100kwh F-150?  nah, no sprinkler needed!

Thanks for the detailed explanation. What’s the ‘normal’ timeframe from ‘loss of pressure’ warning and actually pushing it down? Under a couple minutes generally?

And Ryan Air probably has a fee already keyed to charge you for the extra nice view

I see we’ve reached they, “eh, a little nuclear waste leaking out is just peachy level of insanity”.

You know what’s very near almost every subduction trench?  Volcanoes.  What goes down tends to come back up.

A ‘fee’ to pay for an as yet un-built, cost unknown, facility to last 100,000 years; I’m sure it totally covers cost overruns too.  

Now playing

And did you also know that you can sail Directly Down Wind Faster Than The Wind DDWFTTW. This is a really good animation showing how it’s possible.

So funny thing, he is a xenophobic racist.