Correlation is not causation. You have to show that the people who become cops were not already predisposed to those problems.
Correlation is not causation. You have to show that the people who become cops were not already predisposed to those problems.
Instagram has decided I live in a different tax bracket than I actually do and has started pushing haute couture ads at me. $700 smocks and $5000 dresses that look like nana’s nightie. My takeaway is that rich people have horrible taste.
What is it with modern GOP president s holding the hands of far right foreign leaders? Bush held the hand of the Saudi King and not Trump with Modi.
Employees signed contracts that include a three-month period with zero benefits, paid time off, and further employment dependent on evaluations of their work
I’d read a lot more news stories if they were bullet-point lists of exactly what happened, step by step.
I use Seoul Ceuticals Vitamin C serum. It’s $15-20 and a complete knockoff of the SkinCeuticals serum. It’s amazing, look it up.
I use Seoul Ceuticals Vitamin C serum. It’s $15-20 and a complete knockoff of the SkinCeuticals serum. It’s amazing,…
Cool, another article about how nobody should use flash. I love reading these in the knowledge that I literally have no choice but to still attempt to support flash on nearly 700 PCs because of really crappy government web pages and specific software vendors that rarely keep within 10 years of current technology, but…
Looks like an Expedition with a head cold.
My in-laws call this a nappuccino.
Ravel means unravel? What a country!
“Unraveling”? Was he ever, uh, raveled?
I know this is very serious, but
You leave Raylan Givens out of this
Ahhh. I thought perhaps it was some new Rap-Type-Person that I hadn’t heard of.
I routinely get the “You look so young” thing. I work with kids so it often comes with “You look like one of the kids”. I really dread meeting with parents.
Clearly you've never seen Diplo live.
handle game stronger. TrumanChipotle deserves a round of applause.
Not to be "that girl" but it says 5 PM, not AM in the story.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people refer to couples having kids as "starting a family." Pretty sure you legally become a family when you get married, so yeah, family already started.