
I can only hope that these will be clips from the movies with narration by Michael Peña as Luis.

Are there any actors who live the maga life who are not washed up has-beens?

Guys don’t forget this.

Oh my god, relax.

That would have turned my inbox and my Twitter mentions into a formidable hell that I am just not equipped to deal with today

Only the Zodiac Killer would have the cojones to imply his grandma would cook with canned beans instead of dried beans. This is an offense that can only be solved by La Chancla™.

I think your foil hat is on a little too tight. It’s clearly affected your brain’s blood flow.

haha fuck your bad take man

And than petty asshole and founder of Quibi Jeffery Katzenburg made his own animated ant movie after being fired from Disney just to beat A Bug’s Life to the box office.

Why, yes. What an unexpected turn for a series entitled The Pixar Moment” to take, focusing on the movies of Pxar. I feel concerned that the person holding a gun to your head forced you to click on an article illustrated by a picture of a Pixar character, with a title referencing a Pixar movie in a feature called the

True, Woody can be a bellend, but he wouldn’t sell you out to the Feds to save his own sorry skin as Buzz did. Allegedly. 

Do you not... do you not understand how incredibly and inherently political The Boys is..? The whole premise of the show is about how corporate interests are inextricably tied to American politics, that the Military-Industrial Complex is run amok, and that women’s rights all-too-often take a backseat and are

By the by, Todd, the co-host of “Song vs Song,” is the same Todd as Todd in the Shadows. Both the podcast and YouTube show are pretty great.

Maybe he never saw Maul return in Clone Wars and...for some reason decided to watch a trailer for the *last season of the show* and comment on it?

3. Angela sadly is the victim of a world without computer games and superhero cartoon show, if she had those she would known to shoot at the Tachyon cannon

I bet you think publicly funded sports stadiums are good for cities too.

Criminally under-starred

it’s rodese for “ok boomer”