
But can I still drink while my favorite website implodes because a couple of limp-dick assholes would rather fuck it’s dead corpse than stick to what has worked for nearly two decades?

Watched a youtube video recently about how the Charges once missed the playoffs while having the #1 offense and #1 defense in the league. It was incredibly depressing.

“Nothing wrong with that dicking!”

Seems shortsighted to me. What’s he going to do without football? Other than his family, tens of millions of dollars, a Stanford education, and relative youth, football was all he had going for him.

Our thoughts are with their friends and family

Man. He got hit in the head so repetitively his son went crazy.

I feel like the only thing you got right was counting to three successfully.

Don’t you know? Star Wars has been doomed since TLJ. The internet told me so.

Two thoughts here:

The Bills once being Super Bowl contenders is like the Republican Party once championing black civil rights: a historical fact that seems like a myth and also something that will never, ever happen again. 

I’m a Lions fan living in NW PA. I took my family (including my 12 year old daughter) to the Lions/Bills game last year. Within 150ft of where we parked the car, she saw 2 keg stands and a drunken woman writhing in the mud. My wife gave me a furious look and all I could do was shrug my shoulders and mumble “Bills

Since right wingers love spouting off conspiracy theories, we may as well apply those theories to righties themselves: I think Scott Adams sponsored this shooting to promote his app. Prove me wrong, Scott!

“The problem with the new Lion King is that the animals just aren’t expressive enough”

On the bright side, the 19 outs in 6.1 innings pitched ties the record for most outs recorded in that amount of innings

I guarantee Bumgarner has said “so much for the tolerant Left!” at least once in the past three years.

Will shit himself? Oh Katherine, what do you think is happening during those five hours of “executive time” every morning? He soils himself every night while asleep. His assistants roll him out of bed and get him to the shower to hose him down. The sheets are peeled off of the plastic wrapped mattress and taken to be

Me: Please. Aubrey Huff doesn’t have any fans.

Toucher and Rich is also the name of my Harvey Weinstein documentary. 

Either that or the male romantic interest in FernGully: The Last Rainforest.