
But there have been several where the motive is “a woman refused to date me so now women must pay”.

"I may slay Liz Daw" otherwise it's not an anagram. DUH.

I am bi, so what is my partner just supposed to be mad about me hanging around with literally every other person?

Nor is it driving.

They are responsible though. We owe it to be allies to each other and fight for and protect each other. That’s how we bring about change.

And that this male’s response is to be mad at the woman/en for calling it out and being sad, rather than the #somemen who carry out these atrocities against women around the world every day, really reinforces the OP’s point.

Aren’t the on-beats the 1st and 3rd in a 4/4 time signature?

She clearly did make this distinction in her original letter, so…

You’re right. The poor motorist had no option but to run him off the road.

So should she not even bother?

Now playing

She’s been fab since East is East, in fact:


But I think all oral and masturbation is seen as misconduct to your own Buddhist process. It’s no shade on anyone specifically, certainly not same-sexers specifically.

She got the male alter-ego to introduce her real female self to the victim, and that’s how she befriended her. It was utterly pre-meditated. As the verdicted mentioned the victim was vulnerable, etc, we can only guess at how she was specifically chosen for being impressionable and an easy target.

They weren't previously friends, to be clear. She first befriended this woman using her online male alter ego.

Wait - if we think of early satire, such as John Donne’s works, then it IS in fact satire.

“The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues...

She is using ridicule to expose the vice

I presume they meant oyster as in the type of mushroom, along with the other types of mushroom, which they refused to pay the difference on.

The Professor Blast Off podcast is great for this reason. I mean it’s funny, but soothing.

It was first screened at the London Film Festival in October 2014. She filmed this scene at least a year ago. I sort of understand why when publicising you do so in the present tense but I found it jarring too.

I’ve tried a few, over the past 14 months. Think Mirena’s my best bet! Kind of reluctant to have something all up in my uterus. Also it’s free because socialised medicine so might as well!!