
The original linked article is really good. This is where my extended family live (Springfield/Joplin area). It’s not surprising to me that the woman describes herself as Christian and prolife, and then was surprised that she struggled to get care for a miscarriage/medical emergency, that a Christian crisis pregnancy

What you’re calling “work” may not be sitting around eating bonbons, but KK absolutely meets the definition of a socialite, and being a socialite and having a career are not mutually exclusive anyway. Lots of socialites use their social position as a launching pad for careers (interior decorator is a favorite), which

As you say, shallow, annoying, overexposed, and silly.

Puh-leeze.  Give credit where credit is due.  It’s Mama Kris who was the guiding force in this idiot’s life.  No more, no less.

Yes, everyone would be better off not telling people how they feel. Just bottle it up and move on.

“Your case is not a slam dunk and therefore might impact my conviction rate”, is what he meant.

I wish her the best.

Just to be certain here, no one reading this article thinks that Jane Austen wrote “Jane Eyre,” right?

Her family’s links to slavery is a fictionalized plot point in Mansfield Park. People debate whether that novel suggests she was accepting of slavery or had some abolitionist views (albeit they couldn’t have been too strong or it wouldn’t be a debate.) I am not smart enough to say. Either way she did benefit from it

There is nothing stopping her from having her own will, and having the stipulation that should something happen to both of them, then her sister would become guardian.   Her husband doesn’t even need to know that she had it drawn up.

I think marrying a fat-shamer is at odds with loving your fat family member!!!

Yes. Yes, yes, and yes some more. And that she KNOWS this is why he has an issue with her sister means it’s been discussed — a LOT. So I wonder how her husband treats her, and how that affects the way she sees her own body. What she’s clearly saying is that her husband wouldn’t love her if she gained weight. I wonder

You don’t get to move the goalposts, and it’s painfully obvious that you’re just sealioning. “Ching chong” is such a trope of racist speech that it has its own damn wikipedia page.

You’re one of those smooth brains who needs to hear the n word before something can be declared racist?

Is that Kim Kardashian?? Man, I miss her old face.

Thank you for your sacrifice, Megan.

I’m also struggling to see the moral quandary here. The more people vaccinated = fewer overall deaths. If the vaccines are about to expire anyway, they will be wasted.

Yeah, that’s how I’m seeing it. If the choice is somebody, anybody, getting the vaccine by chance or it’s garbage...use that shit. The more people getting vaccinated, the better. Obviously, assholes using money\connections for preferential treatment should be put in stocks in the public square and pelted with animal

Wind farms also tend to be places where it’s........windy........

Whenever I hear somebody use female as a noun while referring to humans, it is an immediate sign to me that whatever is coming out of their mouth will be deeply rooted in misogyny. I have yet to be wrong.