
Well it’s a medical procedure with a literal definition, yet republicans behave as if the individuals intent comes into it. That’s not how law/facts work.

Very cool yes good idea to never say anything or try to improve situations or grow or evolve.

Yes. How do you love someone like that? 

Nobody’s got a rose tinted view of social work and it’s an assumption and stretch on your part to keep saying this.

What is happening is most people are capable of questioning why police ‘act as transport’ at all in this situation, which you take as a neutral, and unchangeable fact.

That is what people mean about

If there were a significant or even notable number of disabled actors regularly appearing, and if there were any incidents of disabled actors performing non-disabled roles rather than it being this one-way street of able bodied actors portraying the disabled roles, you may begin to have a tiny point.

And I may begin

She voted for John McCain when he was anti-LGBT &tc.

That’s a different song. And the title isn’t ‘Memories’.

All the people in the photo used are observing the six feet rule

2% isn’t thousands, it’s millions.

If you read anything she has said on the matter, and anything other people in similar positions wrote on the matter, it’s also the issue of women never being trusted and given chances to make that break, so spending an entire career being refused pay because they don’t have equal experience.

In your case, partners will have advance warning of being potentially exposed to extreme stupidity.

The way it reads I assume it was their daughter who spoke to the police, not a friend, which is why the police have kept them anonymous. Which makes the guy just an even worse person, were that possible.

“Another woman who lives at the McLeod home, presumably a family member,told the sheriff’s department that McLeod’s

That’s fine! It’s everyone vehemently agreeing that did my nut!

Sean Bean has a Yorkshire accent. The others follow suit in the main - Jon, Ygritte...very much not a Manchester accent, chav or otherwise.

Sean Bean is famed for retaining his broad Yorkshire accent, which is very, very different to a Manchester accent.

Yeah that’s literally what they do. They refuse to help gay people, so sure they might not ask, but you’re screwed if you look or sound in certain ways, and heaven forbid have a same sex partner. Times may have changed but the Salvation Army have not, and Claire is correct to be angry about that.

Ermergerd - the Quern!

Same. He doesn’t notice my pants.