
My atheism isn’t an alternative to christianity. It’s a rejection of all organised religion. Therefore I have no affiliation with “the atheist movement” and in fact don't really believe in one. It's a contradiction in terms.

That’s not justice, that’s retribution.

I’m on continuous pill and have double periods, as in, two weeks with a couple of days break in between, at the moment. Doesn’t work for everyone. There’s just no stopping my Alpha Uterus, and those poor women forced to bleed with me.

You operate it WITH YOUR HANDS, not genitals. Stop riding brooms, pal. Yesterday.

Most theatres in London do cheap tickets at selected performances ($15-$20) and most also offer low prices for people under 26.

She’s a Kosovo Albanian

I'm not bothering with your reviews anymore because it's like you're determined to miss all the points as obtusely as possible.

“Obviously, this denoted in the news cycle with the force of a proverbial hydrogen bomb.”

What’s the proverb about a hydrogen bomb, again?

Also wouldn’t necessarily call her “one of the most powerful politicians in England”.

HSV (usually HSV-1) causes coldsores, not HPV, I thought?

LOOK AT THAT GINGER SNEERING BITCH. We love being spoken down to, especially when the speaker is our supposed advocate.

Sex should and can be on both participants’ terms.

Yeah because nothing BAD ever happens to a woman who refuses to date someone, like, say, getting stabbed.

Nobody starts with ‘when I’m five years cancer free’ so we can safely make all of those assumptions.

Nobody goes straight to ‘when I’m five years cancer free’.

But it’s still a personal and private decision between the two of you that other people wouldn’t be privy to. And making jokes between the two of you would be really funny - e.g. running and hiding from the bouquet toss yourself - but as has been explained, and as I think you have now acknowledged, doing it in front

It’s just weird though, that we’re like “THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO”. Still smacks of something proprietary. Doesn’t really occur in the reverse to the same extent. Perhaps that’s because the majority of protagonists are still men.

The 'paperman' is a Big Issue seller. The Big Issue is a magazine made to be sold by homeless people, on a really positive model that enables them to make money.

Surely raping and torturing HIM would hit him harder than raping and torturing his wife? No? Cos she’s...a different person?