
"You're" a villain


Never mind the legal implications, I'd find it weird as a human if that didn't turn you completely off.

If your partner goes quiet and looks like they aren't into it during sex, you should probably stop. If they don't say 'stop', it's very unlikely you'd get charged with rape, if you legitimately didn't know.

Did they both falsely accuse you of rape because you wouldn't have sex with them while they were drunk?

No. It doesn't change legal process but as the article states, it's a conceptual shift, and one which removes 'responsibility' from victims and onto abusers. in the way we talk about these situations.

READ the article. It's NOT ONLY VERBAL CONSENT. If she clearly loved it, she was probably showing her enthusiasm in other ways, right. If she was sat rigid and unresponsive in the back of your car, how do you know she 'loved being caressed'? Because of other signs right? THIS IS NOT A DIFFICULT PROPOSITION.

And wasn't it "banjo and body percussion" based?

It's just skin, people. Literally everything you touch, all day, has been on someone's skin. And weirdos who want to rub their asshole on a toilet seat are exactly as likely to have rubbed it on any other thing you come into contact with in your day. Grow up.

$144 isn't that much. Most women are probably wearing products that they in total spent that much on a lot of the time.

1. Fish is quite delicate if poached lightly. Trying to remove it from paper could make the whole thing fall apart and look like shit.

2. The advantage of poaching like this is that all the flavours and juices remain in this amazing, delicious parcel. It stays moist and delicious. You take it all apart, you lose the

I like that it's often commented on in S2 as well.

Hobgoblin's what are orange?

He stabbed a horse in the eyeballs


All I said was it is technically possible to start a school pretty quickly. It's not a million miles from reality. I'm not interested in this goalpost shifting comments battle. Enjoy the rest of your day.

They were announced in the autumn of 2010 and the first waved opened in September 2011. Less than a year.

I just don't understand why you'd feel the need to state it under an article where 'Girls' is the first mentioned reference point? What a waste of your life.

"I refuse to watch GIRLS"

In the UK you can apparently set up a 'free school' in a matter of months…it's not inconceivable that it could be done.