
Perhaps they go through the alphabet when angicising names of foster kids. That would make it slightly more prevalent in foster children and adoptees than the rest of the population, as they'd choose more V names than would usually come up.

YES! Me too…I thought perhaps he just thinks she's full of herself…until he got so excited about Beethoven

Farting is a natural thing that is sometimes unavoidable. The general social stigma is that you may HAVE to do it, but do it in the bathroom or privacy of your own home. That's more socially acceptable. The same isn't true of smoking. It's a nonsensical comparison. Apples and your grandmother...

Scientifically what this proves is that someone needs to invent a giant exercise wheel for humans. And it will be fun and we will all want to exercise and be skinny. No more fatties - hurrah!

But he didn't hyphenate your name to his?

They are openly girls, not women creating fake male profiles for...some unknown reason.

Didn't you love "when I'm an adult, I'll use my oven for storage, or something'? I did, and only a pretty serious fan would have noticed the connecting comment. I thought it was cute.

That's not 'Berner' anything, is it then...that being Getawhale's point.

I don't think Georgina Sparks would have the requisite levels of literacy to turn out to be the original gossip girl. I always imagine she was too wasted, from a very young age, to have learned much at school.

BUT the string orchestra playing Benatar's 'We Belong' as Louis explained Blair was now trapped (hah) in this loveless arrangement for life was a brilliant tv moment. 'WE BELONG', PEOPLE!