
an origin story about Han Solo and [Chewie]

That’s one of the most baffling things about the marketing for this: why in the Nine Fucks would you not use one of the most iconic theme themes in cinema history? Were they afraid of paying Huey Lewis Ray Parker Jr some royalties?

Is nobody going to mentioned the twinkie?

My 10-3-2-1-0 looks about like this—

I was all ready to try this but it really cuts into my drinking time.

He's an entirely CGI character. Having him turn into an entirely CGI normal looking guy would be buying a one-way ticket to the uncanny valley.

Does Han shoot FIRST?


Shame! For no mention of the single scariest witch... Angelica Huston in Witches.

“We didn’t have the budget for even a single chimichanga”

Proof that lawyers are the worst: we have to have a discussion on who owns the rights to Hydra Bob.

Well, I for one am happy about it. My office blocks Kotaku!

when 64 years old YOU reach, look as good you will not.

Guardians of the Galaxy crossover confirmed?