
UK 12 is roughly US 8. And yes, their sizing is a nightmare. Many are the times I have cried in the corner of a grubby H&M dressing room stall :(

I was sort of on board with the argument that Lululemon should get to decide for themselves what sizes they want to carry until you spouted this arglebargle:

How is the average size 14 with the average bra size 34DD? I wear a size 8 and 36B. I've tried on 34C because that is supposed to fit too, but it gives me bra-bulge on my back. My point is just that sizing is so fucking confusing :(

I got married about five years ago and divorced again two years later. We didn't have a registry or a donation website or what have you. We honestly didn't want anyone to feel obliged to do anything other than attend. Of course we got gifts, and there was some money, too. My sister gave me two picture frames she knew

Can't help with the insurance but having mine reduced years ago was one of the best decisions I ever made. It was very, very painful for about two weeks, then slowly got better, and when the bruising faded after about six to eight weeks I was a new person. I'm hearing the same from almost every woman who's done the

I just watched a BBC Horizon episode from a few years back called Why Are Thin People Not Fat. It's fascinating and I highly recommend it. Spoiler: it's not because they're better people.

Everyone has something other than beauty. It doesn't have to be something big, like being a brilliant scientist or a superhuman athlete - it can be smaller, like being kind, a good listener, quick-witted, well-read, well-traveled, eloquent, sociable - the list goes on. Not everyone has a talent (and I find it

It's her inability to put her beauty in perspective. I, too, have often been labeled as beautiful - but I also realize that a) I'm still not beautiful to everyone everywhere because beautiful is fairly subjective and b) that if you build your whole life and identity around something you know will eventually be taken

I'm also about to turn thirty. This woman quoted in the article is a twat. I do understand that fear about turning thirty and knowing you've hit your peak, physically, and things will detiorate. However, being beautiful now is not my whole identity - and even if it were, I've noticed that while the crow's feet are

I find it problematic that the opposite of fat-shaming seems to be embracing excess weight or even obesity. Personally, I believe the real problem is that fat has become so equated with worthlessness. If we could separate the two it would be so much easier to say, you know what, I've been a bit careless with what I

What I'm taking away from this is that you are looking for someone who is fit, relaxed, confident and tall. I have no clue why so many people are overreacting to this. It seems perfectly reasonable to me.

I don't know if I'm picky or not, but I've never had a laundry list of characteristics that a guy should be able to check one by one. I also don't fall in love a lot, though. I never had a boyfriend until I was 18, and since then I've only had 3, the last of which I am still happily with. I could not tell you anything

Actually, my experience working from within has been that your problem is less likely to get solved to your satisfaction as you go up, because then it gets looked at by people who do not deal with customers directly. It is much easier for them to say no, because solving your problem most likely costs money and they

Having paid my way through uni working as a customer service agent for years, I can tell you that the vast majority of my colleagues, if they can do something to help your problem, will do it. If I tell you that what you want simply cannot be done (working for a cellphone company at present, and the amount of people

So once I go into menopause by the time I reach my late forties or early fifties I lose my feminine POWERRRR? Damn. I better cherish those bloody clots of uterus tissue before my time is up.

I'm confused. Would there not be a collective hissy fit if Maxim posted a similar article about women in correctly fitting mini skirts? With stats about how studies find that men rate women in mini skirts as 23% more attractive? How about we let men wear whatever suits their personalities and bodies, and appreciate

That is absolutely true. The difference being that the miniskirt represented a kind of liberation for women, while the burqa represents oppression. I realize that many of the wearers feel they are wearing the burqas for themselves and by deliberate choice, and that prohibiting them from wearing these garments is a

I think it's a little more subtle than that. In Holland, where I'm from, in some of the larger cities you'll find a lot of women wearing full burqas with just some netted fabric for them to see through. What this means is that they are effectively unidentifiable (especially because you cannot see their eyes), and in

Okay, I'll bite. No, that's not what I mean. I mean roots that are obviously different from the majority of the society you find yourself in and which might therefore spark an interest in the person asking about them. Again I ask: what is so bad about people noticing you look different from themselves and asking you

Hence my making an exception for that particular question. I can see how "what are you" implies that you are somehow of a different species, and that's obviously beyond rude. However, even though your family has been in the country for 2 centuries apparently your roots still show, and is it really so bad that this is