
"It looks better" is not a good argument, so please, people, just stop with that. Everyone who had planned to make that argument can go fuck off now, or can start advocating women getting vaginoplasties as soon as puberty hits, because, you know, it looks better and extra skin is so gross.

I dunno, the "economy" excuse strikes me as a load of bollocks most of the time. A lot of corporate profits have recovered just fine in the wake of the 2008-2009 economic crash, and the loss of employee agency was a problem long before the economy tanked this time around — that's basically the whole premise of "Office

I loved my old boss & thought I could really do some great things in her company, but she had everyone on as independent contractors (so that's illegal) & hired these people on low-wage "trying you out" periods & as soon as you were done your project & it was time to pay you fairly, buh-bye. There are some shady,

"I’ve been working for her so long, she has this beautiful long hair and it’s hard to grow hair out. I feel like it’s my hair."

News Flash! Jezebel posts an article about smoking and everyone comes out to say how gross smoking is and how they hate being around people that smoke! God, I almost wish my habit was overeating and my overweight self would be spared of body shaming and enveloped in a world of love, encouragement and acceptance.

You and your family are sanctimonious and overwrought. I'm sure smokers have about as much respect for your neuroses as you do for their habit.

Good man! My grandfathers and father were the same way. Their attitude was that the female partner spent enough time in the hospital giving birth, and that they could do a simple outpatient procedure in return.

I never have, and I hate the idea of someone doing that to me. Like you know what? If you want to fuck someone else, go fuck someone else. Don't use me as a warm hole while you fantasize about another person. And I am no prude.

Such a great point. I feel this way a lot too — I often identify more strongly with my nieces, nephews and friend's kids than I do with my siblings and friends, at least when it comes to some of the challenges of parenting.

As a hippie San Franciscan who has lived in Paris for 20 years, I think you all need to go and live in Paris for a year - at least - to understand the situation and be able to comment on this. Perhpas it sounds racist, but France - and Western Europe - are Christian countries. However there are growing areas where

Well no, it represents more than a cultural divide.