
I hope this isn't hopelessly naive or offensive of me to say, but I am just educating myself on feminism in all of its facets, including cis/trans issues, and a lot of it is new to me and requires a lot of thinking and processing still on my part. That said: why would your having experienced male priviledge to some

I agree, I feel like I've entered a strange new dimension reading these comments. I had a Canadian boyfriend, years ago, who was circumcised, and he was a little insecure about it. It was my first peen though, so what the hell did I know or care. My other boyfriends have all been uncircumcised as that's pretty much

My experience has been that in order to resolve arguments productively it is important that both parties have the same style of fighting. Only then can you approach arguments as outlined in the article. My ex-husband would get very condescending and rationalize every problem. He would dismiss my arguments because they

Keeping your temper does not always work, in my experience. Sometimes you really do need to vent. There's a difference between raising your voice and throwing dinner plates around, of course, but neither would be appropriate in a restaurant. My partner and I are both emotional fighters and need room to express those

I agree. Nothing makes me able to put the fight in perspective like having a crappy night with my man sleeping on the couch or at least purposely staying up to watch TV until he knows I've gone to sleep. I'll have a shitty night and I'll begin to miss him, even though he's no more than 10 feet away (we live in a tiny

My mother had me when she was 34. She brought life experience into the mix, plus the knowledge that she'd already got to do a lot of the things she wanted to do before she had kids. I think she's been a better mother for it.

I was about to get all huffy since I just watched the entirety of 30 Rock's first season yesterday (in bed, with a tub of B&J) and I just can't. This show. It is so. freaking. brilliant.

It's dangerous to generalize, but I'm pretty sure that if YOU were aware you were being awful to him, so was he. And in that light, I think it might just mean something to him if you acknowledged that. That's not to say that he's still pining away in a corner somewhere, living for the day he hears from you. But

They are not let go after 6 months, but after about 5 of these "phases", so around 2.5 years. Which is even more ridiculous. It means letting go of 2.5 years of knowledge and expertise. But it's a large telecom company, and they're going through some seriously rough weather. They are constantly reorganizing, with

This, this exactly. How fucking delusional do you have to be to think that a job like data-entry MUST make a person proud to be part of the company?! This is the very definition of a job you take for the moolah. That's not to say that there aren't any people out there who do take pride in it and that's great. Tangent:

Yeah, but the market is so bad right now I don't know if companies would even hire new people at all if they couldn't get rid of them at the drop of a hat. This way at least some jobs do keep opening up. However, if you can't offer your employees any kind of security, how can you expect them to invest, intellectually

Isn't it? Apparently it's more cost-efficient to train someone new from scratch than it is to permanently hire someone who has spent the past three years learning the ropes and not being able to get rid of them at a moment's notice when business slows down. If they rehire you three months later then it's win-win for

My fabulous employer works almost exclusively with temps, who after several 6-month phases must be given a permanent contract. None of them ever get one, they are just let go. The lucky ones are allowed to come back after three months because then they start back at square one (phase A). I'm almost at the end now and

I really dislike splitting bills. It feels so pragmatic. Taking turns is much more romantic and still makes us equals in my book. And yes, the asker pays for the askee. That may usually be the guy on the first date - I don't really see a problem with that. Equality, to me, does not mean that male and female roles

I can't cuddle for longer than a few minutes. I start to get overheated, twitchy and restless and soon I can't stop thinking about how I HAVE TO MOVE. I feel for the BF because he really likes it, and subconsciously gravitates over to my side of the bed during the night in order to snuggle up to me. Sometimes I'll

This. I've had short hair for most of my life, but I've occasionally grown it out. Every time I go back to have it all cut off again, it's this big deal. It makes my hair dressers giddy. They like doing it, because it's a change from "just half an inch off the top please", but they're also nervous that maybe I'll cry

Having kids is a noble, valid, worthy life choice that I respect (though feel is not for me), but only if you really want them. It sounds like you don't. A child will be in your life full-time for 18+ years and will be a life-long responsibility. You cannot do this for anyone but yourself - not even for your husband.

This is actually the reason I might remain childfree; when my BF and I began discussing the possibility of having children I googled something like 'I hate being a mother' and my eyes were opened to the big public secret that having kids is not the gateway to eternal bliss that it is presumed to be. It made me do a

I recently watched a BBC Horizon episode called Why Are Thin People Not Fat, and in it they explained an experiment that had been conducted on young children, preschoolers I think, where the kids were fed a large afternoon lunch to make them full. They were then asked to indicate whether they felt full, and all of

Okay, I can totally understand how this technique does not work. But honest question: what do you do then? They might be full and refuse to continue eating because of that, but they might also refuse because they've convinced themselves they don't like the food. I had a stepson with my ex-husband who was terribly