
So we should just treat all men like they're potential rapists and avoid them. Or should we treat every social situation as a possible rape attempt and avoid those too? And I shouldn't have wine at home because if someone breaks in and I can't defend myself it's my fault. Gotcha.

I love that the real problem is that we women just don't listen, so the message needs to be repeated. /eyeroll

DUDE. We've had the fucking meeting. I'm 35 years old and I've had that same fucking meeting since puberty. WOMEN HAVE HAD THAT MEETING. The problem with that meeting is that it comes couched in what women should do to prevent rape and there is never a mention of how to educate men about rape.

meh. tell that to the majority of rape victims who knew their rapists, who had no reason to believe that getting drunk would be an invitation.

Yep. Had a conversation with a man I used to respect where he informed me I wasn't a feminist because I didn't hate men. I told him I was unaware that that was one of the prerequisites, I thought it was just thinking women should have the same rights as men and visa versa. I thought it was a belief the the patriarchy

Cool story, bro. Especially the part about why your friend is a "feminist" and a "lesbian."

Wait, wait, wait. Feminist strangers yell at you daily? Where do you live?!

Nope, it's a myopic view of the world through the eyes of someone—most likely—living in the US. In the developing world, access to effective family planning tools improves maternal and child health by allowing healthy spacing between pregnancies and thus improving the chances children and mothers receive adequate

Well, I can say two bad things about it.

Conservatives and misogynists have spent the last 40 years or so engaging in a misinformation campaign to scare as many women away from feminism as possible by labeling it unfeminine, angry, humorless, man-hating, etc. The core concept of "women are full-fledged human beings and should be treated as such in all ways"

I don't need feminism because when I am hit in the face, it's a nice time to sit on the floor and reflect on what I could have done to make him so angry.

I'm honestly very confused. I'm 40 and was raised to be a feminist. For me, that has always meant that my gender didn't predetermine my career, education or other life choices. It has meant that as a feminist, we should all be working for equality. It has never meant that dressing feminine was bad, that staying at





I don't need feminism because I like having no legal recourse when my husband beats me.

Oh, honey. If this doesn't scream "please like me, men! here's my tit!" I don't know what does.

