Female anger is irrational. Male anger is justified and righteous. Especially if it's aimed at some bitch.
Female anger is irrational. Male anger is justified and righteous. Especially if it's aimed at some bitch.
You know very well that anger isn't an emotion. Unless a woman is angry. In which case she's crazy.
They can't grasp the cause and effect because they don't accept that women are human.
Not only that, maybe she had already seen some things in the way he communicated and behaved with her up to the point where she said "no" might well have been the reason(s) she said "no" in the first place.
OMG THIS. There was a comment about women being subject to hormonal waves, and thank goodness men don't have those hormone problems. Right, buddy. Because testosterone is not at all connected to emotions.
I went on TRP once and my buddy and I marveled at the stupidity. It was hilarious (in a sardonic way) how they accuse women of being the "irrational sex" while lobbing irrational arguments left and right.
As if his behavior is all her responsibility/fault.
Yeah, maybe she wouldn't go out with him because she sensed he was the kind of guy who would rape and beat a woman to death. That tends to put a damper on a budding romance.
Seriously. And if she did go out with him and inevitably found herself in an abusive relationship with him, the same assholes ask "why didn't she just leave him?"
Or the people who are like, "This is why prostitution should be legal. If he could have gotten laid, this never would have happened." Because it's practically unheard of for men to get violent with or kill prostitutes! Yes, fuck everything.
I spent some time looking at The Red Pill last night, and my god, is it scary. That exact sentiment came up over and over again. These people cannot grasp that, a) women are humans, too, capable of making our own decisions; and b) even if she said yes, this is what would happen the first time she says no.
This is so awful, I feel for her family (and especially her young daughter). And now I feel like it's just a waiting game until some asshole says, "Well, why didn't she just go out with him? This wouldn't have happened if she had just gone on a date with him." Fuck everything.
"Shit like this is why women would rather make up an elaborate lie involving a fake phone number or a fake husband who knows karate than simply tell a man "no."
I think we need a shirt that says "No one gives a shit about your boner"
I agree 100%. The only "inappropriate" books in my house were my mom's bodice rippers. But then when I was 12 or so, she said fuck it, and didn't take them away when she saw I had snuck them. I read everything - Judy Blume, Shakespeare, Agatha Christie, Sweet Valley High, the entire set of Encyclopedias, whatever…
Blume said it very well: "when we elected Ronald Reagan and the conservatives decided that they would decide not just what their children would read but what all children would read, it went crazy". "Censoring inappropriate" should never have happened either, as far as I'm concerned. Appropriate for whom? I was…
What's interesting as someone who came of age in the Reagan years is that I believe the attack on education has extended from censoring "inappropriate" to now censoring things we simply don't want to believe in, ie evolution, global warming. This long haul view from Judy Blume says something about the slippery slope…
Have been reading Judy Blume books targeting younger kids (Superfudge series, Sally J Friedman, Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing...) and they are SO DIFFERENT from the formula/boilerplate stuff that is published now. Life for her characters can get messy, weird, uncomfortable and take unexpected turns.
The fact that he gets paid to take these blurry, no-technique, bullshit disposable-camera-looking pictures makes me want to set things on fire. Even if he wasn't a total shit as a person, he should not be employed in anything involving photography.