
I guess I can see her point, I know that the violence and killing in the John Wick movies helps people understand that there is too much violence and murder in society, and the driving in the Fast and Furious movies highlights the very real problem of bad drivers who go slow in the left lane.

I don’t follow closely enough to know whether Ellis is good or not, but what is that gif supposed to demonstrate about her? How should a coach look between 76:21 and 76:22 of a 5-0 destruction of T&T, that she is not?

I hate [these auto manufacturers] more than anybody I know for clogging the streets and turning a blind eye to the behavior of their drivers [who directly kill 37,000 and injure 1.2 million people per year in crashes and contribute to global warming to boot].  

the timing is that the BBC is paying her to cover the WWC for them. this kind of widely-covered controversial statement is exactly why they paid her to cover the WWC for them.

Calling it MMA instead of UFC really does remove the issue that it is human cockfighting. 

Gardner Reaps What He Sows

Actually in Brazil it’s almost consensus that he’s being framed. The lady claimed that she had more of the video but her apartment was broken into and her laptop stolen, thing is her landlord said that there was never any break-in to the property. There’s been many inconsistencies in this cases. 

Actually in Brazil it's almost consensus that he's being framed. The lady claimed that she had more of the video but her apartment was broken into and her laptop stolen, thing is her landlord said that there was never any break-in to the property. There's been many inconsistencies in this cases. 

The article explains it pretty clearly:

>Trindade, without consulting the firm, filed a criminal complaint with the Sao Paulo police alleging that Neymar raped her

Thank you for admitting you’ve never had amazing sex

Disagree. It sounds like some of the exchanges happened the day after the alleged assault including possibly asking for souvenirs. If this is the case that is a huge hole in her accusations.

Isn’t it worth at least MENTIONING in the story this detail?

“This is a tough moment. If we can’t show the truth quickly, it will be a snowball. If we have to show Neymar’s WhatsApp messages and the conversations with this lady, we will,” he said.

She flew to Paris, checked into a hotel and had him meet her in his room.

This is exactly why I lick everything, all the time

Seriously people like this aren’t helping, the guy obviously has too much ego, over promises and underdelivers time and time again. Not saying he isn’t intelligent, have talent, etc. But failures are failures, most people either move on or at least do what they can to correct them. Doubling down on something like this

I am often reminded of a famous Teddy Roosevelt speech when reading these sorts of criticisms. Criticism is of course valid, but those who criticize are most often people who have never tried to do really difficult stuff. This is the speech...

Santabarbarian...I like the cut of your jib.

So you mean to say that Curtis discovered an ... LSD Soundsystem?

People think running a hotel or bar in a busy tourist area is easy money, but most of them don’t realize that you’re chipping off 10% to the weather guy right from the start.