
You have a point Stassa - there’s no question that the type of victim colors the type of investigation that follows. But these women are “good” targets for a serial killer, not simply because of police indifference. These are transient people who often aren’t noticed missing by anyone, let alone the police; they’re

It’s pretty simple guys - All you have to do is hate people who disagree with you and you’re a good person. And you definitely have to hate the president who deported millions, separated kids at the border, opposed gay marriage to get elected, killed thousands of people (including an American citizen and countless

Exactly.  This person might exist one day, but the chances it’s Carli Lloyd are almost zero.

This is the classic straw man column. I think almost every NFL team if given a choice between a male kicker and a female kicker who was just as good, would choose the female. Not because they’re great people who want to shatter glass ceilings, etc (of course not), but bc it’s dream publicity at a position that is

way up my list for best gif of all time

In fairness, the other way happens all the time too, where the parent w/ primary custody makes scheduling visitation as difficult as possible to wield power over their ex. Considering he’s talking about his upcoming wedding to someone else, it’s not hard to imagine that she has no interest in accommodating any

Usually the defendant doesn’t take the stand bc it’s a terrible idea that defense attorneys advise against in nearly all cases. The burden of proof is on the state. Getting on the witness stand gives them greater opportunity to convict you. If you have a lawyer, the chances you’ll testify in a case like that are low,

Ding ding

The NFL isn’t much like a plantation though is it? Not saying the owners don’t do much better than the players, and there are certainly good arguments that a stronger NFLPA would give the players a bigger piece of the pie, but it’s still voluntary employment at an average yearly salary that is higher than what many

I suspect Jay-Z is going to be an “owner” in only a slightly more involved way than he was with the Nets. Him owning $1M of the Nets gave him about as much control of that team as my 40 shares of Netflix give me over Reed Hastings.

Thought you were making some good points, but “Capitalism sucks” is a pretty bad closing argument. Sucks compared to what? Life is hard, but it’s a lot harder in the non-capitalist countries.

He’s not the best player of all time, but I would argue that his career highlight reel is the best of all time. Messi, both Ronaldos, Maradona, Pele, they all have incredible highlights, but I’ll take Ibra #1 for the incredible variety and uniqueness of the best goals on his resume.

What’s amazing about these two isn’t that they’re better than ever (they’re definitely not -Federer of 10 years ago and Nadal of 6 years ago destroy the guys who played today).

I think it’s a mistake to assume that behavior is always learned. For instance, I very much doubt Jeffrey Dahmer’s father ate people. Sometimes the wires get crossed and good people have troubled and even violent kids. I think it’s a mistake to assume that his father taught him it was okay to abuse women.

Well I could be wrong, but it’s very unlikely he wrote any of this.  It’s almost certainly ghost-written and then Remy cuts out/waters down/modifies what he doesn’t like.  It feels a bit impersonal because it is a bit impersonal. 

I just think it’s hard to condemn someone for having a blind spot when it comes to their own kid. Clearly he had rage issues (steroid induced or otherwise) and in hindsight the courts should’ve dealt with him more harshly much sooner, but is it really fair to expect parents to tell a court to put their kid in prison? 

1) You’re 100% right about the larger point: anyone with one game for their life who would take any player other than LeBron with their first pick is an idiot. He conserves energy in the regular season (so does Kawhi) but his playoff level is far and beyond anyone else, and there’s no reason to think that’s changed

I actually didn’t mind the 5-4-1 against France bc they are a genuinely lethal side, and absorbing pressure and trying to counter when they got too high up the field seemed like the right strategy (and as it turned out the US got much more dangerous chances than France by letting the French have possession, and it

Yeah tell your friend definitely not. It’s just the US men’s team isn’t good enough to ever celebrate this often (or in the case of the Thai game, that inappropriately, bc they’re never going to be up 10-0 against anyone).

I know everyone at Deadspin has drank the “there’s no such thing as sportsmanship, or disrespecting an opponent, nothing matters” Kool-Aid, but three things can be true: