
I have no doubt you’re right, a woman will be able to do this at some point. I think it’s unlikely to be a 37 year old woman who has never extensively practiced kicking a football before. If she’s a good candidate, wouldn’t they start grabbing every 37 year old washed up soccer star, men and women, to try out? It

I would bet that most kickers on NFL teams right now could kick 70 yd field goals during practice.

The leap you’re making to assume she can make in-game field goals at the rate of the 32nd-best kicker in the NFL is simply enormous. Fuck dude, that would rule if she could Kathy Ireland that ball. I’d like to see it actually happen one time before decrying the NFL as anti-woman for not employing a kicker. (There’s

Fourth meal lol 

Listen, that kid knew concussions were part of the deal when he signed the contract. He’s neck deep in orange slices and pizza parties, so what’s he got to complain about?


That’s because it’s so common they’d never get anything done if they checked on all the kids who got laid out. There’d be no time for growth. No time for teaching. No time for going with your gut. No time for liking the cut of someone’s jib. No time to double-down. No time to fourth meal. No time to just do it. No

Similarly I wish you would just shut up already. 

I’m not friends with either of them, and this is why.

I already have this in my recent downloads for a recent Jezebel article so I think it’s still good

He shot 39% from further than 8 feet away, so she might be okay.

Bright, guys. 

I really hope they can make their relationship turn around.

Or perhaps his agent used the leverage of him potentially sitting out the whole year on IR with the calf issue to come to a reasonable compromise? I don’t know that attributing this all to the generosity of the Colts is warranted.

Yeah, I don’t understand the hate. If you want change, staying with the all white ownership isn’t really going to do anything. If you get someone on your side that is an owner, well that can make progress. And I don’t see Eric Reid turning down those NFL checks either...

To be fair, the river did stare at that home run for a really long time.

I tried using some similar motivational trash talk before a big race the other day, but the horse didn’t seem to care and I lost $900.

this man is a national treasure

“Paul feels robbed? Cry me a fuckin’ river. You know why he’s Rich, right?