
As someone who has watched him in 800-900 games: He is a human highlight reel, and an exciting player. But not a great baseball player.

I don’t know if it’s a directive from the editor, or just a case of colleagues adopting each other’s literary styles, but the constant “dunked his soul to hell” and “smacked the ball to the goddamned moon” shit is fucking exhausting and not remotely funny anymore.

So he’s hitting .229, striking out constantly, not even hitting for power, and accounts for exactly 0 outs above an average RF on defense. Sure seems like a $330,000,000 guy to me!

Seems like they could be highlighting Machado a little more and this preening douche a little less if they’re really so determined to shore up the entire-offseason “throw money at these guys or you’re colluding against them” work they were doing on behalf of the agents

Good matchup with Pope Thrower

I’m a hs track coach myself, and while the historic 9.98 and 10.12 marks are obviously insane, I bet watching a high school kid split sub-45 on a 400 was maybe the most mind-melting thing to watch unfold.

Unfortunately for the A’s, she is already leaning toward entering the 2023 NFL draft.

What do you think these normal background check or screening processes are that are going to catch a potential willingness to harass a client or co-worker? Because I don’t actually know of any workplace that has them!

It also wasn’t difficult to weed out or reprimand the driver.

Have you worked a minimum wage food service job? This isn’t getting hired on at Lehman brothers, your local pizza joint or Chinese place doesn’t have an HR department or an onboarding process and the amount of time most drivers stick around probably isn’t enough to even run a comprehensive background check that would

Genuine question, and maybe I’m not understanding something here but


More than the movie, that quote makes me start humming Civil War by Guns N Roses.

Tesla states on its Autopilot guide that it is currently “not a self-driving system”

he clearly traveled

There are only losers in this story.  Folks, organized labor needs to be, well, organized.  It needs to sustain its focus on things like, well, helping laborers.  Nobody wins with this kind of infighting.  Nobody likes seeing this kind of dirty laundry aired.  Folks, it’s time to open up the washing machine and put

I just have to voice my dismay AGAIN that the ongoing reporting of this story continuously FAILS to speak to the quality of the strip club OR it’s personnel. I find these journalistic ethics “troubling,” and I hope your “investigative” journalism will be notched up a bit until we have a full evaluation of the hotness

If you knew a single thing about American soccer you’d know how unready the USL is for pro/rel. This is just eurosnob puffery. 

Imagine saying something so confidently and being so wrong.  You should head to a muni course on the weekend some time.

This is basically the argument us commenters were making 3-4 years ago when Deadspin was campaigning for more replay in MLB.

We as a society did this. We heap so much crap on any referee that gets a call wrong that these refs decided to replay every loose ball call they had the ability to review because they weren’t gonna catch crap for getting it wrong. And as a result, it swung one of the best national championship endings that I’ve ever