
I’ve seen plenty of champions in sport, and even era-defining players. I’ve only ever seen maybe two or three players you’d call genius though. O’Sullivan’s brain just works differently to everyone else.

i’ll go further and say if she stays healthy this year, she’ll be in the top ten by December. i was blown away by her game, Sabalenka played well - and got worked.

The Flyers have expressed interest in the Boston net and are offering a 3 year deal for it to play goal for them.

Criminally understarred. 

as all good Americans should

There was media uproar over that Cavs team, then they ripped off like a 19-1 streak and shut everyone up.


“we hate us cuz we are us!”

“I just want to blame my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for getting us here”

“Everybody believed in us!”

I don’t particularly care if I catch heat for this but Kaep as he left the league was not worlds apart from the mid tier results you would get from top level Bortles. Like Buddy Holly, he is better off (professionally) dead before he produced some shitty concept album that nobody understood. Stay woke but relax on the

The first sentence: “Penny Marshall and I were the bridesmaids in Carrie Fisher’s wedding to Paul Simon.”

Imagine starting with “I was just asked to leave a funeral by a family member of a deceased football player” and thinking you were the sympathetic party in that story.

He looks exactly like the type of guy that would be a real piece of shit to some kids over high school football.

I’m going to take this a step further and declare the Lions the Ass Team of All-Time. Since 1958, only 60 years for those keeping score at home, the Lions have won a TOTAL OF 1 FUCKING PLAYOFF GAME.


And that’s one of the main reasons why the Designated Hitter should be abolished.  If pitchers had to go to bat, Big Baseball Man could have drilled Bad Baseball Man directly.

I beaned Horace from shipping at the company picnic softball game and all that got me was a trip to HR.

You put that much money into hydraulic-strength bodyfat calipers, you gotta use them at some point!

“If you need a refresher on the whole imbroglio...”