
He was healthy & up to speed the past month & this team fucking sucked. It needs a lot more than a healthy goaltender to be in the playoff push. It needs secondary scoring, 3-4 competent defensemen and a new GM before it would be back in the playoff push.

I once had to dress up like a waffledog for extra credit as a freshman in high school. A very large Samoan came up and asked who was in the waffledog suit & when someone told him it was a freshman, he launched me about 20ft! Thank god for that waffle padding!

I’d like to see it with another lineman in place of Trubisky.

Why don’t you take it up with America, instead of giving me the business?” seems like a great blanket statement any time anyone questions you about anything.

“Take it up with America.”

I’m stealing that.

So true. When five time NBA Coaching champion Greg Popovich does something nobody bats an eye, but when an interim coach does it, all of a sudden he doesn’t have the benefit of the doubt.

Michael Wilbon reads these Jim Boylen’s quotes as erotica.

The new Aquaman movie looks fucking terrible.

I like to pretend his last name rhymes with Robert. And I like to pretend that my TV is a window instead of a screen. And I like to pretend I have friends.

This reminds me of that time I didn’t win employee of the month and had my sisters call my manager every hour telling her that God would rain hellfire and plagues upon Papa John’s if my position wasn’t rightfully restored.

Semantic quibbles and accusations of virtue signaling. This is the good stuff. Stick it in my veins.

Honestly, I can’t help but feel like this entire story is racialized as hell.

Calling what happened in this video “brutal” is a bit of a stretch if you ask me. It doesn’t look like she suffered any serious injury.

Is there another GM in any sport that’s gotten to make 5 coaching hires? I realize Pax has switched titles in there, but still.  I generally think he’s done a better job than most give him credit for, but eventually you gotta say enough is enough.   

Wiggins! The enemy’s hoop is down.

Look, maybe he can’t shoot, but at least he plays lazy defense, doesn’t rebound, and has never averaged more than 2 assists per game.

Counterpoint - The Sun is going to eventually expand and consume the Earth*, killing everyone, which I believe is a little something called “murder,” so we are well within our rights to pre-emptively strike back at this deadly foe via any means necessary.

Is your daughter my wife? 

If a kid (thinking toddler age) is acting out because of a desire for attention though, especially in a situation where a younger sibling or new pet has been introduced, aren’t you essentially getting conned into giving them what they want? (Not sure how useful a time-in would be before a kid is emotionally mature