
There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss this dude on the ‘hawks. Saad somehow looks like he completely forgot how to play hockey

Brandon Ingram looks like the love child of Wiz Khalifa and Inspector Gadget.

Thank you, their joy at the pizza throwing makes me laugh every time. 

Now playing

The only acceptable instance of food-related ballpark violence:

The thing with Crawford was that he was having his best year ever last year before he got knocked out. If he plays like that, then sure, the Hawks can sneak into the playoffs and then all bets are off. But if he plays like he did up until last season (solid, but not elite), then they still miss the playoffs...

Never Forget: The Ballghazi Game was won on the ground as the Pats steamrolled them. Brady having underinflated balls (heh) was a useless point of discussion when the running backs ran roughshod all over what some consider to be the Colts defense but we all know as the East Scranton Intermediate School’s JV football

Always speaking truth to power...or swears to cops....or whatever.

Hell yeah! Eat shit, Greenpeace.

As a devout member of the Abdul-Jabbar Mosque, I gotta affirm what you already know: Ain’t a damn thing ever cracking the Church of Kobestan. It’s like Scientology. Once they’re in, they’re never coming back.

“Hey, Coach Mike. Long time, first time. Love what you’ve done with the team. My question is a little complicated....
There are sidewalks in the Cars movies. That seems to imply there are humans in that universe. What are the implications of that? I’ll take my answer off the air.

Did Mike not answer the questions OR did he just take some time to mullet over?

Dear Baker,

I hate Polanski as much as everybody here, but don’t appreciate the misleading clickbait of the headline (I thought he made a film about a man who’s accused of rape) or the minimizing of one of the biggest antisemitic scandals in French history which had big political consequences (the Dreyfus Affair). 

Yeah, the Dreyfus Affair was absolutely not the story I was expecting from that description.

Exactly! “Wrongly-Accused Male Victim” doesn’t exactly cover what happened to Dreyfus. It honestly feels minimizing and almost snide?

a film about a French-Jewish soldier who was wrongly accused of espionage in the 1890s and vindicated after five years in a penal colony.”

Lmao totally sane and normal comment dude

Tom Brady just had that fan relocated to San Francisco. 

It is.  I just learned that Supreme is a brand.  I still don’t know what it is, and am not compelled to find out, but I am now aware that it is a thing.

“but there’s probably something to be said for having a coach with a title under his belt...”