
There is an MLB catcher effectively named Sweet Christ??! How have I missed this?

I believe that will be the TB plan, only in reverse.

“I demand a recount.”

--Antonio Cromartie

I gotta agree with Bomani on this one. There is no “hot hand”, it doesnt exist. We have something like 10 years or more of tape on this guy. We know who he is, and it aint a starter for a good team in the NFL. Waiting for that inevitability to be obvious feels very......on par for the NFL.

Oh man, if only Adama Traore knew how to pass or shoot

jordan didnt win any rings without phil. kobe/shaq couldnt get any rings until phil either.

It’s zero articles split in half. 

does this post actually make no sense to anyone else?

“They never should have gave you rapists money!”

I love that those two tweets came all of three minutes apart. I’m picturing it as the “Yeah, I remember grinding my feet on Eddie’s couch” of press conferences.

Veterans Day is in November, idiot.

Side note: A lot of people are giving props to the Orioles for being the first team to go with a braille logo, but I have a couple thoughts on this: Number one, it isn’t like blind people are feeling the jerseys of the players, they had to be told that the players were wearing these jerseys. Also, the dots are not

But why male models?

Some fantastic names in this box score, including Jax Biggers, Tanner Gardner, and Sherten Apostel.

Holy shit, Zephyr Teachout is a person?! I thought it was a pro-education organization. I really need to go back and reread the stuff from yesterday now.

The Belichick coaching tree sprouts another withered, lifeless branch.

You realize the guy most famous for tirades in the sport forfeited multiple matches because he wouldn’t shutup and just accrued penalty after penalty until it literally cost him the match, right?

Probably because you don’t understand the rules of tennis. I’ve seen that ref do much the same thing to male players and you’d have seen it too if you actually watched tennis and didn’t just fire off the handle about things you know little about.