
This might be the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Hey hey hey hey....use the breaks baby!

I feel like you know that something can be both funny and extremely inappropriate for children that age, right?

Potato salad with raisins? WTF? That’s got to be regional. I’ve never heard of that and I’m surrounded by white people.

Since when did being a twiggy-ass rapper mean you can fight?

So, let me get this straight. NFL players exercising their freedom of speech* by kneeling - perfectly fine. Member of the public exercising his freedom of speech* in saying he disagrees with how NFL players are exercising said freedom - FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!

Or he has the same right as the people protesting, you just don’t like the message.

“New Orleans Saints’ unwavering 50-plus year commitment to honor, support and recognize our servicemen and women and veterans.”

+1 the sinners are much more fun

Yeah but still...

Isn’t the reason reporters use allegedly so they can’t be sued for libel? I understand the frustration but the way our legal system works we have to give perpetrators their day in court

The Browns:Incompetence you can depend on.

I do the same thing, so I can explain the exact mentality behind it: when you’re out of shape and can’t do as many good basketball things anymore, yelling and letting everyone know you care THIS much is just our little way of saying “Pay no attention to my lack of good play, instead marvel at how much virile masculine

Could be worse. Lions hung a banner just for making the playoffs. They didn’t even win their first game.

Look, I googled this surgery and then I read at least one of the results. In other words, I am probably qualified to talk about this on tv. A year isn’t unheard of for a return to competitive throwing.

I’m not up in these rafters for my health.

let’s all pool our resources together and launch the entire colts organization into the sun. letting Luck get run over by a truck for 4 straight seasons is a capital offense.

How is this not a FERPA violation? I know schools generally require athletes to relinquish some FERPA rights, but those usually just so they can communicate that kind of stuff to the NCAA or the conference. I don’t know any school that forces its athletes to allow its coaching staff to release educational records to