
Co-opting? Marginalizing? Hate crime?

I’m not going to be so old-fogeyish as to insist that Frank Deford was the last great titan of sports journalism, but goddamn, it sure does feel like it.

and was one of the few sports writers that actually wrote and cared about horse racing...unlike the rest of Sports Illustrated....

I had the privilege of working at The National, the ill-fated sports daily helmed by Frank Deford, from 1989 to 1991. I was right out of college, an editorial assistant, tasked with doing research (imagine a library with all the teams media guides and Sporting News annuals) and taking phone calls from writers whose

Rest well Frank, may the almighty welcome you in with open arms. There must be a great sports exhibition up there to cover.

This is tough to get too upset about without knowing the context. This kind of crap is almost always “inside jokes” about the previous school year. I’m guessing the kid had set off a stink bomb or was fond of pranks.

this is exactly why I’ve never dated her.

For real though, they probably should have run the ball at the one.

Russell Wilson’s D also really resents Russell Wilson, said myself and a dozen other people about to make the same joke.

Fuck this guy. Who starts chants for themselves?

Marmaduke Trebilcock had to settle for being three times the man Buffalomeat could ever hope to be.

Jesus is repped by William Morris, so no chance he goes into CAA for anything...

If he finds his swing in AA and AAA, who knows, maybe they’ll make Tebow Harvey’s designated best friend and roommate!

Tebow: [Barging into Harvey’s room, jogging in place] Hey Matthew! It’s 4:30, time to hit the gym!
Harvey: [Groggliy] 4:30? Shit, I overslept. Where are we going for dinner?
Tebow: [doing jumping jacks]

This is a reminder that a call up to AA would mean Tim Tebow is a proud Binghamton Rumble Pony, which is just fantastic.

I’m of the opinion that Trebilcock might just be the greatest last name ever. Combined with Marmaduke...? That this wasn’t a landslide winner is cause for a Congressional inquiry.

I shed some tears at his way-too-early dismissal. Worst I felt since the fall of Infinite Grover.

But actually, Boats Botes is the name of the year.

You know you’re living in a golden age for names when Marmaduke Trebilcock finishes 4th.

So [Watercraft] [Watercraft] was too on-the-nose for you, but [Protein] [Protein] wasn’t? Fuck you.