
Satterfield catching those hands marks the most completions Sharpe’s ever been a part of.

“The claims are false and ridiculous,” Blaine Roche said. “Unfortunately this is a classic shakedown attempt. Tajae categorically denies any involvement whatsoever and looks forward to vindicating his name and focusing on what matters most - football.”

Alex Ovechkin’s recurring nightmare.

Right....it was all due to the Caps choking and not due to the fact that maybe the Pens are just the better team. After all, last time I checked they are the defending champs. They had a ton of injured players and their second string goalie and still won.


I saw this over on a Caps fan blog:

To be fair, it must be noted that DC was synonymous with sleaze and corruption long before Trump, or Ovechkin, got there.

I actively dislike both these teams but that “beauty” of a save on Ovie hit the butt end of Fleury’s stick, that’s not a beauty of a save that’s a horseshoe up your ass. And that “easy tapper” for Oshie - his name’s Oshie, not Gumbie.

I never thought I’d say this, but let’s get some more snooker stories up in here.

This is pretty gross and distasteful, but at the same time...

Damn NORAD just went on alert because of that launch.

Oh for fucks sake Charlie Strong is one of the few people in college football who doesn’t seem like the scum of the earth. One who actually takes the idea of helping players grow as individuals seriously. This is a judge in Florida. If Strong is the first thing out of south Florida to have caused you shame, either

It’s good that Judge Taylor (who was apparently addressing Coach Strong as if he were actually present in the courtroom and has players not recruited by him under 24-hour surveillance and wearing magnetic boots on a metal floor to lock them into place) lives in a place where having a USF diploma has caused her no

Strong just got there. He hasn’t coached a single game nor has he recruited a single player there. All he can do is kick players off the team after they do something wrong. He hasn’t been there long enough to establish a culture.

Were these his recruits? Does the judge expect him to assume every player recruited by a previous staff is a criminal-in-waiting and just shitcan them all when he walks in the door?

I agree that college (and the NFL for that matter, shit) football has a lengthy history with unethical and disgusting behavior, but this seems an awfully lot like a principal scolding a substitute teacher for the behavior of a few kids in class.

Judge is totally out of line and grandstanding. Make a ruling and move along. Strong cleaned up trash at Texas and it looks like he’ll have to do the same at USF. Brown left him nothing at UT and amazingly a school with all that money and notoriety couldn’t find a competent QB.

If an ice cube the size of Delaware starts floating down our way, the only thing to do is get a tumbler of whiskey the size of Pennsylvania.