
I think it’s pretty alarming that there’s a large group of people who believe that the 2A could still be on the books as written but no one would actually be allowed to own a gun. Pretend for a minute that it’s something else in the Constitution that you think is actually a good policy (ex: freedom of religion,

Ok, but famous people do get hit by bullshit lawsuits all the time. I’m not saying this was definitely one of them, but it’s a big assumption to take every word in a complaint like that as gospel. They’re written to be as embarrassing as possible to the defendant to incentivize a settlement. Did she bring criminal

Totally agree. The reason we don’t have pro/rel isn’t because we’re soft/weak/don’t want the pressure. It’s because only recently has America had enough soccer fans to sustain the MLS clubs financially. I don’t see much appetite for a second division league, much less the many tiers you see in Europe. The problem is

Seriously, what is Colangelo doing? Just say Fultz is injured and his return date is uncertain. Why put the spotlight on a teenager who’s having a near mental breakdown, highlight his struggles when his confidence is already decimated, and simultaneously signal to the rest of the league that he has no trade value? I

Starting with the Garnett/Pierce trade to Brooklyn, there isn’t a GM in all of sports who’s done a better job. He nailed the Brad Stevens hire, signed Isaiah Thomas and got a near MVP season from him, sold high and turned him into Kyrie Irving, somehow got Tatum and a 1st round pick for the rights to a player who now

This deserves more stars

While Rowe wasn’t great, I didn’t think he was particularly bad compared to anyone else in the Pats’ secondary last night. Butler’s level has not been that high this year, so this wasn’t exactly sitting Richard Sherman. That said, even if you feel like it was the right call to start the game, when Foles is going up

I certainly don’t have all the facts (and neither do any of you), but what exactly is the accusation against Izzo? Safe to say he’s got nothing to do with Larry Nasser and nothing to do with whatever went on with the football team, so what is the standard people want applied here? He’s coached hundreds of young men

How long do I have to wait before people admit that actually Betsy Devos has not done anything with any significant negative impact whatsoever? She’s the Secretary of Education. She can’t make rape legal. I’m mystified why sexual assault appears to be the one crime we want handled by university administrators and

What a joke this article is Patrick.  Subprime auto loans had literally nothing to do with the financial crisis. Repeat - nothing. If he had made his money at Visa or American Express would he also be automatically a shitty human? Americans have hundreds of billions in credit card debt and the interest rates are even

But why can’t you have different norms in different leagues? MLB puts more emphasis on sportsmanship and not showing up the opponent. Other leagues place more value on showmanship. Why is this a problem? Why do all leagues have to be the same in terms of maximum celebrations?

Contrarian take: Stanton is frequently injured and has a contract that a team with the Marlins revenue could never build a winner around. For all their failures, the Marlins have won two World Series with a small market formula. Stanton’s deal makes that impossible, and you’ll notice the Marlins haven’t won a damn

No one has to say anything nice about Trump ever, but people rioting and killing each other about some bullshit in the Middle East isn’t his fault. It’s happened many times before, it’ll happen again long after he’s gone. Remember the riots and violence all over the Middle East because of some cartoons in Denmark? Or

I’m not seeing the dollars add up for anyone except Lavar, who keeps his name in the papers and various reality show pitches alive. Is it really the best thing for his 16 year old son to do to move to Europe, live with his uncle, and play basketball? I would bet that neither of the younger sons ever make the NBA, and

Great analogy except I’m not even sure one of them is Michael. He might be managing 98 Degrees and one of them might be Nick Lachey.

My concern about him as a prospect was whether he could get to the basket and beat NBA defenders off the dribble (he had a lot of trouble with De’Aaron Fox). Way too early to quit on him because he is still very young, but the Lebron to the Lakers move is getting less likely by the day. Add James and Paul George to

Isn’t Group D tougher than Group F? All 4 of those teams could make it to the next round for sure and there’s a lot of talent on all those teams. The top teams in each group are pretty obvious (Argentina and Germany) but I’ll take Iceland, Nigeria, and Croatia over Mexico, Sweden, and South Korea.

I’m a huge Hawks fan and I agree. I’ve always disliked it.

It can definitely be both. Unless you think women have no responsibility for their choices.

Is this the dumbest crime in history? Perhaps the most conspicuous group of people in China (they stand out in terms of language, height, race, and nationality) steal from three separate stores on camera? While on a trip representing their university? In a country well known for harsh criminal punishments? It’s so