
Felger is an asshole. His Earnhardt point makes that particularly clear. But can I say that I also cannot relate to these guys who seem to flirt with death for no particular reason when they have a family and young children? The fatality rate with small planes and inexperienced pilots is high enough that I just don’t

Yes, all rich people have the same character flaws. They’re all terrible like Donald Trump and this pizza chain owner and some other rich person you’ve heard of who said something you don’t like. Can’t see any holes in that reasoning. Tremendously thoughtful analysis. Stay woke David.

My understanding is the archives will be released to the writers and they’re being given 3 months severance. That’s significant, and if true, means there’s not much to yell at Rickets about. I haven’t seen anyone even attempt to argue that either of these ventures was profitable or anywhere near profitable. Attempting

The entire Cavs team has correctly figured out that this part of the season in the East is meaningless and their effort reflects it. That feeling emanates from Lebron, who has been pacing himself in the regular season for at least the last 3 years. He does not live and die with these games, in fact, he doesn’t give a

For the Pats? 100%. He’s played with Belichick before and is joining the team midseason, so that familiarity makes a difference. Also, as unpopular as it is to say in these parts, Kaepernick has been god awful the last few seasons, hasn’t played in a year, and there’s not much reason to believe he’d come in and

The race card? Really? If Mirotic had broken Portis’ face we wouldn’t be talking about it? What a joke.

The problem with your argument is that the government printing money is not the same as creating wealth. Money is the form of exchange - the products and services you can get for that money is the actual value that underlies it. They print money in Zimbabwe pretty much non-stop, but the health care system isn’t that

What? Who was mistreated here? The guy was doing drugs before meetings and deserved to be fired, but you really think this exposes some kind of societal injustice? The only parallel situation I can think of is Ron Washington when he managed the Rangers. Google that and then tell me how a stripper attempting to

....aside from the fact that the two things (a white coach using drugs and players kneeling during the anthem) have literally nothing to do with each other. If she said she did it to highlight the injustice of elephant poaching in Africa that would make exactly the same amount of sense.

You’re right, this sucks, but you’re missing two things. 1) If you think that the Men’s World Cup is the last thing that brings this country together, you’re truly crazy/delusional/depressing. That both overestimates soccer’s importance and underestimates American pride. 2) We were going nowhere in Russia. Nowhere.

Maybe it’s because I’m an overly political douchebag, but if I were an American soccer player right now, I wouldn’t feel pride wearing the jersey.

If you’re snorting Percocet in the workplace, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you have a problem. If you’re filming it and sending it to a third party, I’m going to go ahead and say you have a problem, and you’re a fucking idiot.

On paper that’s clearly not true. The Argentinian roster has as many big name players as any roster in the world with the possible exceptions of France, Brazil, and Germany. But you wouldn’t know it from watching their WC Qualifying.

The comments wondering about Blackhawks forwards are valid, but I’m much more concerned about the defense. Rutta and Murphy are question marks at best, Seabrook has slowed down in a major way, and Kempny isn’t exactly a proven stopper either. The Pens just didn’t show up for the game last night, and the Hawks have

I hate hate hate hate (hate) Duke but.....what are we supposed to be riled up about here? He’s right. Shoe companies and financial managers were not aware of 17 year old basketball players when he started coaching. The money in the NBA has gotten way bigger and practically the whole first round of the draft is

There’s a lot of reasons why people shouldn’t sing that song in a public venue, but I’m not sure that particular stereotype is hurting black people’s feelings all that much. I think that’s pretty far down the list of stereotypes the black community would like corrected (if it’s on the list at all).

Yep, it’s gotta be racial. Nobody ever overreacts when white Dallas Cowboys players do something, like say take a vacation with Jessica Simpson before a playoff game. All those Dallas fans who have been defending him from a domestic violence suspension must’ve just found out today that he’s black.

Agree that score would’ve been absurd to either fighter. Not sure what the racial point your making is (especially since Canelo looks whiter than GGG) but kudos on being the 500 millionth person on this site to charge a stranger with racism based on next to nothing.

I love AJ, but the NFL is not a superstar driven league. It’s probably the least superstar driven sport of the Big 4 in the US. The QBs are a big deal, but everyone else is much more expendable than in any other major sport (with the possible exception of baseball). The Patriots are the most successful team in this

I’m sorry, but does that mean it wasn’t funny? I have respect for people working in a communications medium using a second language too - lord knows if I went on South American television and gave a sideline report in Spanish, it would be extremely difficult....but it might also be funny, and that’s what happened