
Ummm, that was a cogent argument from Cowher, and your “rebuttal” doesn’t address basically anything he said. There are QBs with lots of talent and success in the league who do not get signed - this has happened many times before. Jamarcus Russell, Vince Young, Tim Tebow, the list goes on and on. Why did Deadspin not

Hamilton, I’m curious - you know you’re going to get complaints (and justifiably so IMO) that you’re not presenting the full context of the crimes and victims (and don’t say that linking to an article mainly about the governor “not sparing” Otte counts). Have the courage to put the whole ugly truth on the table - the

LOL - Kaep is going to groom Siemian? Look at their numbers Enginerrrrr. Siemian was a better QB than Kaep last year and it wasn’t that close. I have no idea why people think Kaep would help Denver. They’ve got a high draft pick backup (Lynch), a young QB starter who was better than Kaep last year (Siemian), and

Why is that relevant? Because he didn’t sign Kaepernick? He’s almost getting Osweiler for free and the guy won 5 games for them less than 2 years ago. Look at Kaepernick’s numbers guys - he’s been bad. I agree he should be a backup somewhere, but considering Elway is basically getting Cleveland to pay for Brock,

Correction - no he fucking wouldn’t. Trevor Semian had significantly better passing numbers than Kaepernick did last year. I agree Kaep should have a backup job somewhere, but he would not be the starter in Denver.

He’s a fucking RB. None of them are getting paid. Even mediocre QBs are more valuable and harder to find. He wouldn’t get a long term deal if he was one of the Romney kids. Plus he’s been suspended or hurt half the seasons he’s been in the league. But yeah, it’s totally racial. Stay woke Dusty

That’s fine, but it’s based on your political opinion. You don’t feel that you owe these people respect just because they’ve been in elected office for a long time. Stacey Dash doesn’t owe Maxine Waters that either. That’s my point. Is Waters some holy politician who must be cherished by all? How consequential has

Never mind that Waters is your elder, and you owe her the respect and dignity that comes with 37 years of public service representing the interests of the blackest parts of the city of Los Angeles.

Corporate cowardice is fed by the outrage machine. Try to remember all the way back to 7 days ago, when your site pretended that an ESPN fantasy draft auction was actually a slave auction, context and common sense be damned. There’s no defense for ESPN’s embarrassing hypersensitivity, but don’t pretend like Deadspin

Whenever a European of any stripe makes some comment about uncultured/uncivilized/unsophisticated Americans, just remind them what’s been occurring in European soccer stadiums for decades. It’s standard practice to segregate fans and make them enter and exit from separate entrances because if supporters of one team

Terrific piece, I really enjoyed it. Thanks

How is it close? What kind of kindergarten bullshit is that? I guess the NFL combine is the equivalent of a pre-sale slave medical inspection too. Is every auction draft fantasy football league racist? If not, explain how this is, because that is literally how the game works. It’s a shitty segment because it’s not

It’s a bad segment because it’s not funny. It’s not racist, unless you think all fantasy football auction drafts are somehow racist. That’s dumb.

He probably loves the idea of having the olympics in his own backyard, and as a rich white dude he will suffer none of the potential negative consequences.

Please stop looking to the NFL to be a pseudo-law enforcement organization for domestic violence or anything else. The comment “the NFL doesn’t really care about domestic violence” is about as coherent as saying “Arby’s doesn’t really care about vehicular manslaughter” or “Banana Republic doesn’t really care about

At, say £50 million, he’s probably a great bet. But at £90 million, it might be too rich.

Exactly. Barcelona muscles players away from other clubs all the time. Someone does it to them and they’re talking about reporting it to UEFA, Swiss courts, etc. Embarrassing. If they’d built a player pipeline to replace the older Spanish players (Iniesta, Pique, etc) I don’t think Neymar would’ve been tempted.

For me Rapinoe should be mentioned with Hamm, Wambach, and Lloyd. She’s like the Ryan Giggs of the women’s team. Just makes other players better and rises to the occasion in the big moments.

The problem in your assessment, and the sad assumption that rings through much of our politics and culture at the moment (and certainly all of your writing), is that you believe belonging to the opposing party is a character flaw. He’s a Republican, so that must mean that what he did in Vietnam, while possibly

Winning-wise it’s indefensible. But Lebron has been a different player on the court since returning to Cleveland. He carries himself like a guy who’s doing everyone a favor just being there (and in his defense, coming back was a pretty big favor to Cleveland). His body language on the court is much more