
Smart move by Chauncey. He’s got a good gig on TV (he’s an excellent commentator) and his prognosis for Cleveland is dead on the money. Don’t be salty at him for telling the truth.

Hamilton, the problem with your crusade here is that many of these media companies are sinking ships, and you’re running around trying to unionize the crew after the iceberg has hit. Ricketts is already subsidizing what is, in economic terms, a failing venture. Your attitude is that he should do that (or he’s evil)

Totally agree. This era for athletes and professional sports teams might be what the 80s and 90s were for the music and newspaper industries - the last golden age before the economic model was completely undermined.

I love the move in theory. My concern is that the White Sox are where position prospects go to die (see every touted hitting prospect the White Sox have had since the Clinton administration). I bet Donny Cooper can make something out of that Cease kid though.

His #2 knockout in that top 10 video was against a guy who only had one hand. I’m not a big UFC fan, don’t follow the sport closely, but that seems like a big advantage.

Not worried about one game of bad shooting. I would be worried about him not being able to beat Summer League defenders off the dribble. Point guards who can’t beat guys off the dribble are worthless. You can’t draw a second defender or get to the rim, you can’t create offense.

Losing Iggy would’ve opened the door to Cleveland next year. In GS’s shoes, you can’t play for 3 years from now. There’s a championship staring you square in the face, don’t mess about worrying about 2020. Iggy’s defense is crucial when they match up with Cleveland. I’m a bit surprised they kept Livingston though.

From a purely basketball perspective, Iguodala was the guy they really needed to keep. His defense is hugely valuable to them. Livingston, while a good player, is a bit of a luxury for them. I’m surprised they’re keeping both, but with the Cavs failing to add Butler or George (either one of whom might’ve swung the

Isn’t it usually the promoters who have judges in their pocket? Horn is 16-0, could be made into a name, Manny is looking for his next big fight that might not include Top Rank, and all of a sudden there’s a controversial decision that will create a rematch that’ll make Top Rank a lot of money.

I understand the charges relating to the cover-up and tampering with witness statements. But as incompetent as the crowd control was that day, does anyone think Duckenfield or anyone else deliberately and knowingly caused the deaths? It was a horrible thing that happened, and the cover-up and lies that followed

I will say, I never understood why Young didn’t get more chances. He had a pretty decent record as a QB, he always had scrambling ability to fall back on, and holy shit there are some terrible backup QBs. I’m sure it was his fault on some level, but some teams seem to want no-headache system guys who learn the

Yeah I’ll wait for Pat’s response to that as well, but not holding my breath...

Jerry, either wake up and hold someone accountable by firing Gar and Pax into outerfuckingspace or sell the fucking team. They have no vision, they are totally reactive, and have zero plan. They sell everyone at their lowest possible value (look at the Gibson-McDermott trade FFS), disrespect/run off every asset they

Yeah, people living in a foreign country who hire professional tax preparation teams to handle their incredibly complex returns deserve to be imprisoned if the government retroactively decides the return wasn’t accurate. I’m sure Mourinho, Messi, and Ronaldo used their vast knowledge of Spanish tax law to hatch

What? Are you telling rape victims not to report rapes and not to get rape kits?

Jesus I’m just amazed how many people try to make this asinine point. First of all, he’s dead, so there’s that. Second of all, watch the video taken from the shooting; no one is interested in saving his life because he’s white (the giveaway on that might be the repeated screams to “fucking shoot him” and “blow his

....trying to decide if you’re serious. Group of Republicans playing baseball get shot at by a deranged Bernie volunteer, and you blame....Republicans? Doesn’t this site have like 9,000 articles on the evils of victim blaming?

Now that the shooter is confirmed dead, are you a confirmed asshat?

Agree on the “you’re an asshole” part.

How many times have we seen this cycle: the best high school player in NYC/New Jersey gets way more press attention than similarly talented HS players elsewhere, gets overhyped, and then ultimately underwhelms as a pro. Lenny Cooke and Telfair are the most prominent examples, but there were many others.