
I’m kind of digging Crosby embracing the heel turn here. For a transcendental player, he’s just so oppressively boring.

Chronic shoplifters do not pose the threat that chronic child molesters do.

I sincerely don’t think it’s about his politics. Teams did the same thing to Tebow. The guy had a winning season and won a playoff game. Was he really not one of the 96 best options for a team at QB? But he’s gone (God help me, I defended Tebow). Because NFL teams don’t want non-star players who get a lot of

This is obviously unfair. For the purpose of sports and fair competition, your gender identity cannot usurp your actual biological makeup or the playing field for biological women will be completely uneven. You can live your life as a woman in every other respect without hurting anyone, but in the realm of sports

You’re really on to something. Everyone knows that in a country of 65 million people it should be no problem to ensure that no one ever misuses rare deadly weapons like vans or knives. Try to go outside right now and randomly hurt a complete stranger. It’s obvious that would be impossible to do without the

I’m just struck by the fact that this is the first year since 2011 that they won La Liga. People talking about them as the best group of all time should attempt to explain that. Are we sure the Barcelona teams of just a few years ago weren’t better?

Absolutely. And I’m so sick of this bullshit where people say “he didn’t have to stay, Lebron went to a good team, etc.” Of course he’s allowed to leave. Yes, Lebron went to a team with other stars. I didn’t like “The Decision” either, but it wasn’t the same thing. Lebron didn’t leave Cleveland to join the

So I assume you’re going to change the headline to “Iowa Democrat Kim Weaver Withdraws for Several Reasons, Most Prominently Her Mother’s Illness”

Just because something is disrespectful doesn’t mean that free speech “isnt a natural right for white people.” I’m sure you and almost everyone else supporting this protest yelled out “First Amendment” when there were protests about Piss Christ and any other number of works of art that some people found offensive

I’m fine with critiquing the piece as a still life that doesn’t say anything meaningful and just exploits a famous historical tragedy. But the argument that free speech for white people isn’t a natural right because of racism is profoundly stupid and serves only to drive away people who might be sympathetic to what

Yes that sounds like a terrific artistic process. I’m sure that will allow artists to create works every bit as moving as the fine print you read in rental car agreements.

I normally think these stories are bullshit, but holy shit does he look slow running that route

Or maybe stupid traditions and superstitions are part of what we like about sports and we shouldn’t try to root them out regardless of the logical fallacies behind them. BTW, the trophy disparity just confirms my initial instinct - I’ll take the Preds to win.

Obviously he doesn’t have to work out for anybody (free country and all that), but are we 100% sure the Lakers are taking him at #2? Because while I think that’s certainly probable, I don’t think it’s a guarantee (especially if that last game against De’Aaron Fox sticks in people’s minds too much). He might want to

I’ve never liked Shaq on Inside the NBA. Kenny and Chuck are both better, and I liked Webber better too because he knew his role on the show. While Shaq is occasionally hilarious, most of the time he detracts from the overall chemistry and I’m left thinking the show would be better off without him. He really should

Agree that it would be Federer, but it would not be 2017 Federer. The younger Federer was the pinnacle of tennis for me.

Kesler and Lucic can both burn in hell, but that’s not goalie interference. No way the refs can call that when Nurse is the one initiating the contact the whole way.

There’s zero evidence this sort of behavior is occurring more frequently. In this country rape in general may well be at the lowest levels it’s ever been. Connecting this story to CTE is yet another unsupported leap. Sadly, sometimes 22 year olds commit rape, and the vast majority of them aren’t football players.

Alex, you’ve totally misunderstood what he means by marketplace of ideas. Murray’s opinion about race failed in the marketplace of ideas. It was presented and rejected by the vast majority of people. The fact that he can feed his family, does not mean that his ideas took hold in our society- they demonstrably did

Hate to be that guy, but leaves before talking with police, multiple witnesses dispute the allegations...idk. I’m not saying it’s a false accusation because there’s no way to know that, but I think the decision to withhold his name until there’s a more thorough investigation makes some sense.